2017-08-07 Update with Health BOCC Update Minutes August 07, 2017 Start Time: 2:01 pm End Time: 3:20 pm Present: Commissioner Fund Danette York Commissioner Stamper Bill Teitzel Recorder: Sandi Andrus BUDGET • Capital Budget and SHA & CPG Funds - Danette Discussion: Funding for both Site Hazardous Assessment (SHA) and Coordinated Prevention Grant (CPG) come from the DOE and are tied to the Capital budget. We are unable to bill for work done in these programs until the budget is approved. If the mandated programs end up being unfunded, we will have to look at what we can realistically continue to do and what we will not be able to continue working on. The Environmental Health Specialists have added this work to their full job duties since Steve Garrett retired in 2010 and we were unable to hire a replacement. There is a public health risk if we stop doing these programs. Some unfunded mandates we work on include Biosolids, investigation of hazardous material spills and contaminated site inspections. We most likely will not be able to bill for the work done since July 1, when the budget should have been approved so we may need to do a Budget Amendment. Bill asked if there was something the Commissioners could do to get the Capital budget going forward. Decision: Danette will write a memo about this for the Commissioners to share. ISSUES FROM PREVIOUS MEETINGS: • Coal Creek Update – Danette Discussion: It is moving along well. • Update on Reorganization – Danette Discussion: JP Anderson starts as our Deputy Director on August 21. We have not filled the Health Educator - CD position yet. One person turned it down. We have another good candidate or may reopen the position. We have an internal employee interested but she is at Grade 23M and this position is at Grade 21. Danette would like to keep her at 23M and have her fill this position. This position is currently .8 FTE but we will receive funds from the Foundational Public Health Services (FPHS) to increase it to full time. Danette received a Health Alert Notice from CDC recommending we contact providers in the area and ask them to test for a parasite from imported fresh fruits and vegetables which causes explosive diarrhea and sickness. To date this year, the number of cases has doubled and the CDC is investigating this public health issue. Commissioner Stamper asked what funds we are receiving for Communicable Disease. Danette replied that CD is an unfunded mandated and is our number one health risk. PH Block grant provides some funding but it should be used for infrastructure. We receive about $250,000 a year from the block grant with no stipulations and we usually use this for PH administration and indirect costs for facilities, fiscal, etc. The new funds we will receive from FPHS is not supposed to be used to offset funding provided by the county but should add to what we are already doing. The amount we should receive will cover the extra .20 FTE of the CD position. NEW ISSUES: • VAB Recommendations – Danette A. William Linn to be appointed to fill alternate position (handout) B. Compensate dentist and dental hygienist who provide services for Veterans Dental Van (handout). The van comes quarterly. This would be paid from the Veterans fund. Danette explained we have a hard time getting a dentist and dental hygienist since many times they have to close their business to provide services for the van. The amount proposed was $500 to compensate a dentist and $250 for a hygienist. Commissioners approved paying the dentist and hygienist this amount. Decision: The department will prepare a resolution to appoint William Linn as an alternate on the VAB and one to approve $500 and $250 for a dentist and hygienist. • Public Health & Social Services Advisory Board Applicants – Danette Discussion: Several applications have been received and the BOCC needs to review them for appointments. Decision: Sandi will send copies of the applications to the Commissioners. • ACHS Outstanding Debt to WSAC (handout) – Danette Discussion: Most counties have agreed to pay the assessment. As a member of the ACHS, Lewis County’s assessment is $824. Both Commissioners agreed to pay this. Decision: Pay the assessment of $824. BOH ISSUES: Review Board of Health agenda for August 14, 2017 o H. Res #081417.1 – Amendment #13 to the Consolidated Contract, #C17116, between Lewis County and Washington State Department of Health. This amends Statements of Work, Allocations, and Schedule of Federal Awards. The August Board of Health is next Monday. This amendment changes language but not funding. Danette will give a presentation on Medicaid Transformation. OTHER ISSUES of Concern to the BOCC: • BHO - Danette Discussion: Danette heard from BHO this morning that Nathan Johnson resigned from the State Health Care Authority (HCA). Dorothy Teeter has retired and one other person has also resigned. • Republican Party Tonight - Bill Discussion: Bill said the Museum is having the Republican Party today at 6:00 but there is no approved water system. They are approved for a system but it has not received final inspection yet; this should have been done by now. This is a Group A system. Bill will find out what their water source is for tonight. They need to bring in water if they do not have an approved source. Commissioner Fund believe it is a potluck not open to the public so it should be OK. • Sr. Center Transition – Commissioner Fund Discussion: Commissioner Fund and Danette have a pre-meeting this Wednesday to prepare for the senior meeting next Monday. Someone from the PAO will attend and Commissioner Fund would also like Glenda Forga to attend. The next senior transition meeting is scheduled for next Monday. John Panesko, who is in charge of building negotiations, will be in attendance at that meeting. • BHO – Commissioner Fund Commissioner Fund met with Marc Bollinger, CEO of BHO, and Katie Strozyk. Marc had complaints. Edna will meet with Marc again later this week. Vickie and Edna also met with Marc and with the State Health Care Authority. There is still a lot of work to be done. Danette left at 2:30 to attend a meeting in Olympia. • Updated List of Code Enforcement Cases (handout) – Bill Teitzel Discussion: The following items were discussed: o #1 – Lewis County Property, 1303 W. Reynolds, Centralia – Project update. Expect work to be finished in about a month. There is $180,000 available in a special property abatement account but it was originally put in by the BOCC to abate public property, not public property. If used for intended purpose, property then has a lien placed against it which is refunded to the County. It is up to the Commissioners on how to use it. o #2 – Coal Creek Sewer Extension Project update – Previously discussed. o #3 – Fire Mountain Farms – County wide – Update on WSDOE permit status, locations and lagoon pumping. Several things going on. DOE approved their general coverage permit but it covers only four sites in Lewis County. On SR 508 there is the lagoon and they cannot use it or apply onto that property. The lagoon continues to build water. DOE allowed them to pump off the top water and Fire Mountain Farms wants to pump onto the property but Bill has concerns about nitrates building up. This is outside our control. Water depth is about 13-15 feet. Commissioner Stamper is concerned about water and nitrate levels and that some of those particles are getting out there. Level of solids below the water is 10-12 feet. o #4 – Norris, Bruce/Nichols, Delbert – 242 and 242B US Hwy 12, Chehalis – Case update. Mr. Nichols’ son allegedly tried to burn down Mr. Norris’ house. Mr. Norris has a night watchman but no septic or water to the house. There is a lot of items on the property, but not really ‘solid waste’ items. Bill will send a Notice of Violation to Mr. Norris for RV occupation restrictions, who threatens to sue us because he feels things are not being handled the same as in other parts of the County. o #5 – Estate of Joel Johnson – Harrison Ave, Centralia – Slowly getting it cleaned up. Some cars are gone. o #6 – Askin, Luke (Country n’ Lace wedding/event venue) 757 Spencer Rd., Toledo Owner has only done a little work on his public water. Bill sent him a citation. There is no water or septic permitted. Commissioner Stamper asked about bringing in port-a-potties and water. Bill said for a one-time deal, it is ok but this is a commercial business and people have an expectation that there will be water and septic. If Mr. Askin doesn’t respond to this citation, Bill will take further enforcement action with additional citations. o #7 – Estate of Miles (Robert) Matchett – Uden Rd, Glenoma) – His kids are cleaning up property. We authorized them to bring in a crusher and they will be crushing cars. The State Patrol agreed with us. Should be in good shape by the end of summer. o #8 – Bolender, Mark – Bolender Horse Park, 131 Crater View Ln, Mossyrock – Alleged building code violations. He has allegedly constructed a large business to train horses but has not acquired many necessary permits or been inspected. Bill would like the Commissioners to meet and discuss with Bill and Lee Napier. o #9 – Nyman Family Partnership – Lutkens Rd., Mineral – Case status on unpermitted music festival. Previously discussed. Moved the event to Seattle. o #10 – “Chehalis Critter Care, LLC” – US Hwy 12, Chehalis – Commissioner Stamper had questions previously. A woman with a dog grooming business met with Community Development and Public Health. Danette looked at it and called the woman and told her what she needed to do to have a mobile business. o #11 – Onalaska Wood Energy – State Route 508, Onalaska – New complaints and investigation with WSDOE regarding waste water discharge. Bill accompanied DOE to the property due to complaints. They are still discharging dirty water to the ground. They have a flare that leaks tar onto the ground as well. DOE is not closing them down; on July 25, DOE told them they must inform them how they will deal with this. They have not yet responded. Lee Napier will review permits from Lewis County Community Development and report to the Commissioners. They took some of their own samples and it has chemical content above MTCA limitations. Southwest Clean Air Authority is keeping an eye on this. The pH level of this water has affected the Wastewater treatment plant. Mr. Clary has a mill next to it and has complained about odor coming from the plant. Senator Braun’s office has been contacted. Carbon char, wood vinegar, and heavy tar are byproducts of this and causing the problem. Bill will keep the BOCC updated. • Storage Units in Mossyrock - Commissioner Stamper Commissioner Stamper asked if Bill had heard of storage units (shipping containers) going in at the intersection of Mossyrock behind the coffee shop which is a wetland. Bill hasn’t heard anything and will check to see if there is anything noted on the parcel number.