2017-08-08 Update with Community DevelopmentY:\Board Packets\Update Minutes\2017\08 - August (Aug. 7-Sept. 3)\Week of Aug 7\2017-08-08 CD\Update Minutes 08-08-17.docx Agenda for BOCC Update Department: Community Development Date: 08/08/2017 Time: 9:00am Present: Lee Napier, Becky Butler, Graham Gowing, Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Stamper, Natalie from the Chronicle arrived at 9:50. Absent: Commissioner Jackson Note Taker: Graham Gowing Updates and Actions: Start time: 9:08 am 1. Permit Process and Tracking-Monthly report Graham & Lee presented the monthly permit tracking report. Permits, applications and revenue are all still up from this time of 2016. 2. Budget and Fee Schedule Lee presented a proposed/preliminary fee schedule for 2018. In general, CD’s home valuation is much lower than neighboring counties. Lee indicated the possibility of simplifying fees. The Commissioners would like to take more time to look over the two packets provided and meet with CD later in August. 3. Community Rating System (CRS) Lee asked if the Commissioners would like a separate briefing about CRS. BoCC does not need a separate update. Lee indicated a flier will be mailed out to repetitive loss landowners. 4. Topics for next update currently scheduled for 10/10/2017 Actions to be requested: Set meeting for late August to discuss fee schedule. Adjourn 9:58