2017-08-15 Update with the ProsecutorUpdate with the Prosecutor’s Office August 15, 2017 Start time- 2:05 Attendees: Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Fund, Jonathan Meyer, Glenn Carter, Paulette Young, Becky Butler, Daelyn Coleman, Archie Smith Guests: Sharyn Decker Recorder: Rachel Hunt Jonathan Meyer began the meeting discussing the public disclosure manager. Jonathan discussed how once Casey leaves his office he will still have a need for a person to pull the records to turn them over to the public disclosure manager. Commissioner Fund discussed how the current public disclosure requests are handled Commissioner Stamper asked if in a perfect world if one person could handle all the requests in Sheriff’s Office, Prosecutor’s Office and the Judges. Jonathan discussed why having one point person would not work. Each office will still need to have a person within each office to pull the records and turn them over to the public disclosure manager. Jonathan discussed how he was previously paying for Casey Mauermann’s paralegal position within the Prosecutor’s Office. Glenn discussed how the Public Records Act is changing through Court decisions. The group discussed the state fee schedule for public record requests. Commissioner Stamper said the request of the Prosecutor will to be further discussed with the budget department. Paulette Young discussed the implementation plan for the new public records manager. Glenn Carter discussed that Lewis County prevailed against leasehold excise tax at the Toledo Airport. The group discussed marijuana revenue. Becky Butler asked for clarification on who specifically gave the opinion from the State Attorney General’s Office. At 2:39 p.m., Commissioner Stamper announced that the Board was going into Executive Session under RCW 42.30.110(1)(i) and RCW 42.30.110(1)(g) for 15 minutes to discuss litigation and employee performance. Meeting ended 2:54 p.m.