2017-08-23 BOCC PW Individual Update MinutesLewis County Board of County Commissioners Public Works Update August 23, 2017 Present: Commissioner Bobby Jackson, Commissioner Gary Stamper, Commissioner Edna Fund, Erik Martin, Tim Fife, Becky Butler, Lara Seiler, recorder Start 10:42 am ADMINISTRATION Budget- Becky noted that in Fund 125, $20k was budgeted this year to pay a lobbyist. Becky noted that the Port, PUD and cities are putting together an agreement to pay for the services provided by a lobbyist. The board would like the $20k put back in fund 125 and noted it is for a lobbyist. Becky will add $20k to the budget. Levy Shift- Erik asked the board if they had made a decision regarding a levy shift. No decision has been made but the max they could shift according to the Assessor is around $680k. Erik noted that roads payroll is $700k per month. The board said they are putting pressure on departments to reduce their budgets. CVO Deputy- Erik had a meeting with Wes Rethwill and Bruce Kimsey last week and discussed ways for better communication. They have not made a specific plan on a CVO deputy but noted they have deputies in training. Erik would rather have cross the board training on illegal trucks. It is important that the word is out in the community that the Sheriff is pulling trucks over for being overweight. Erik is also concerned for the crew’s safety. Sheriff Motorcycles- Discussion was held regarding the two motorcycles that the Sheriff traded for with Grant County. In exchange, the Sheriff gave Grant County a Humvee and utility trailer. Bobby phoned Paulette Strozyk to get more information and Paulette noted she had spoken to Bruce Kimsey regarding insurance. She has a list of all the Sheriff’s property but hasn’t checked the list yet and will check as soon as she gets back to the office. It was noted that the Humvee and utility trailer were not surplused. Becky asked the board if they want the auditor to attend the Sheriff’s budget meeting on Friday and they agreed. Supervisor Stamper said he would like to look at the traffic policing program more. Discussion was held regarding the process for the traffic diversion. Erik said the current process is done more as a payment for services. There are three ways the board can move money from the road fund to the general fund. This can be done via a Levy shift, a diversion or payment for services. Supervisor Jackson likes the idea of providing a bill for services rendered. Becky left the meeting 11:27 Recruitments- The Traffic Engineer interviews will be conducted this Friday and the Fleet Manger interview will be held next week. Archie is currently reviewing the job description for the Assistant County Engineer. Right of Way Occupation- Erik was informed that people are living under the Galvin Bridge and wondered if there was an ordinance in place for loitering. Further discussion was held. Public Information- Public Works has formed a social media team to discuss what types of social media outlets the department would like to start using. Some of the information we would like to share with the public would be current information on chip sealing and snow plow routes. We are also looking at updating the website with current information and removing any outdated information. Public Works Organization- Already discussed. TRAFFIC ENGINEERING & OPERATIONS Area 5 Shop Addition- Erik noted that the Area 5 addition is almost finished and Public Works will be receiving a credit for the concrete. WATV- Hearings regarding WATV’s will be held in September and Glenn is working on the resolutions. Pleasant Valley Culvert Project- Tim noted that the bottom sections of the culvert will be set tomorrow. The Pleasant Valley Culvert is up in Mineral near the end of the road. Lakeside Drive- Closure will begin soon on Lakeside Drive and the project will start on September 5th. The project will take 3-4 weeks and will have 2 phases. The road will be closed approximately 2 weeks. ENGINEERING/CONSTRUCTION Project Updates Hwy 603- Currently work is being done on the north end of this project. Paving will begin the 3rd week in September and the other section will be reopened. Public Works may be getting a credit due to the CenturyLink delay. Borst Ave- This project is on hold for now due to funding. We may spend money on the project in 2018 for design. If we do not get funding for the project we can re-apply. CTB and Chip Seal- CTB is done and chip seal should be done in the next few weeks. The crews are out fog sealing now. Hwy Safety Grant Project- No discussion. VADER WATER Reservoir Project- Erik noted that the reservoir project is back on track. Rates- Erik said that there will need to be discussion regarding rates as we go into 2018. The USDA grant/loan will require Vader to have a larger capital reserve. The surcharge will need to be increased to cover this cost. Commissioner Stamper said that he and Erik should go meet with Mayor Smith to discuss the issue. Much of the training budget has been reduced to cut costs. GOOD OF THE ORDER No discussion. Ended 11:40 am