2017-08-23 Update with IT 8/22/17 IT Director’s Monthly Update – Wohld, Commissioners Fund, Jackson and Stamper. • 2018 Budget Wohld and the BOCC discussed reducing the expenditures for Discover Lewis County in 2018. 2016 was roughly $185,000 ($100k County and $85k LC LTAC). 2017 was roughly $205,000 ($145k County and $60k LC LTAC) and reduced to roughly $180,000 ($120k County and $60k LC LTAC) and in mid-2017 further reduced staff time on the project. 2018 is proposed to be even further reduced, moving staff time from 1.5 FTE’s to 1.0 FTE’s for the project. A total proposed County budget of $82k County and $45k LC LTAC or $127,000 was discussed for the 2018 DLC budget. From the original 2017 budget to the proposed 2018 budget, the combined reduction is roughly 35% YTY proposals and roughly 30% YTY from the 2017 actual to the 2018 proposed. The estimated 2018 cost of DLC for the County is approximately $82k in 2018 if the proposed budget is approved by the Board. • Technology Services Wohld reported that from a technology perspective, everything went better than one could hope for at the SWWF this year. Wohld credited a great working relationship with the fair and facilities, along with the new point of sale system implementation and TV displays. • Spillman Services Wohld discussed the need for resolving the hyphenated addressing issue with some County properties. The Board indicated that Director Napier had already discussed this with them and that solutions are in the works. • Development Services Wohld discussed the new Fairgrounds website would be going live in September to help mark the Fairgrounds as an event center. • DLC Discussion Wohld provide analytic information to the Board regarding Facebook and website traffic. Both FB and website traffic are far exceeding the goals set for 2017. Wohld discussed whether or not to pursue LTAC grants in the area, and it was determined that Lewis County and Centralia LTAC grants provided some opportunities. Wohld discussed a new amenities brochure that can be helpful for developers and realtors to market the area.