2017-08-30 Insurance MeetingInsurance Meeting August 30 2017 9:00 a.m. Attendees: Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, Larry Grove, Archie Smith, Daleyn Coleman, Suzette Smith, Becky Butler Recorder: Rachel Hunt Archie Smith began the meeting by giving an overview of a previous meeting with PEBB. Commissioner Jackson discussed the coming changes in rates through WCIF and the background of why the rates are increasing. Archie outlined the proposed employer rates through PEBB. The group discussed splitting coverage between WCIF and PEBB for health, vision, dental and life. Archie further discussed the cost implications of splitting the insurance rates. Larry Grove mentioned how the County has had a composite rate but now it will change to tiered rates. The group discussed the County’s rate demographics and how Lewis County has 2 of the 5 highest claim groups. Becky Butler said there is decision from the BOCC needed on PEBB or WCIF to be able to move forward. Archie Smith outlined the employee rates for 2018 with PEBB. Commissioner Jackson discussed the lack of other options for 2018 insurance rates. Larry Grove mentioned two other counties that have had their insurance rates change once the group’s previous year claim history is known. Larry continued by outlining the next steps for the BOCC. Commissioner Stamper expressed a desire to stay with WCIF for dental, vision and life insurance. The group discussed the costs of spousal and dependent coverage through Lewis County. Commissioner Fund made a motion to move to PEBB for medical health coverage. Commissioner Jackson seconded the motion. Motion carried 3-0. Meeting ended at 10:00 a.m.