2017-09-12 Budget mtg - Sheriff and Jail for 2018Budget meeting with Sheriff and Jail September 12, 2017 1:33 p.m. Present: Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, Becky Butler, Steve Walton, Sheriff Snaza, Undersheriff Rethwill, Chief Kimsey, Chief Sweet, Chief Breen, Sandy Lupo Guests: Mitch Townsend, Matt Brock, Bill Marshall, Anthony Ahrens, Linda Williams, Olga Miller, Carolyn Fuleihan, Justyna Tomtas Recorders: Rachel Hunt and Rieva Lester SHERIFF 2018 prelim budget: Revenue: $430,195, expenditures: $7,654,500; FTEs: 54 Revenue review Becky Butler started the meeting by showing the line items for the Sheriff’s Office. Sheriff Snaza further clarified the revenue sources such as the fees for concealed carry permits and execution of writs. Undersheriff Rethwill added there are contracts for services with the City of Vader and the US Forest Service. Sheriff Snaza also added they purchases a US Forest Service truck for $9,000. Sheriff Snaza continued by discussing the fund that provides for reserve deputies who check on sex offenders and serve papers. Expenditure review Expenditure total $7.6 million difference Sheriff Snaza said they are still below ideal staffing levels. Undersheriff Rethwill added they have not added any new positions. The hiring that has been done has been to fill vacant positions. Sheriff Snaza discussed binding arbitration with the advisory group. Undersheriff Rethwill discussed the difficulties of being sandwiched between Cowlitz and Thurston County for a higher rate of pay. The Sheriff outlined the deputies’ health insurance benefits. Expenditure limitation discussion Increase requested: $320,126 for two deputies and fingerprint machines. Sheriff Snaza discussed how in 2007-08 the Sheriff’s Office lost 9 deputy positions. Sheriff Snaza said he would like to have 4 additional deputies but his current request is 2. He also added his office is sitting at the same staffing level as in 1985 while seeing a population increase as well as seeing an increase for calls for service. Rachel Hunt left and Rieva Lester joined the meeting at 2:08 p.m. Sheriff Snaza discussed the kinds of calls his department responds to. He said he’d like to have five deputies and one supervisor for day shift as well as four deputies and one supervisor for the night shift. Dusty Breen discussed the request for fingerprint machines. He said the office’s current automated fingerprint machines are becoming outdated. He said there is a grant available that could offset the cost by up to 90 percent. Sheriff Snaza and Wes Rethwill said the group would wait to see what happens with the grant. Sheriff Snaza discussed a sealer that was purchased to seal the items incarcerated individuals bring with them. He then discussed ways his office is cutting down on its fleet costs. He said a couple of extra vehicles were turned in, saving roughly $16,000. He said a proposed substation would help save costs. Sheriff Snaza discussed unfunded mandates, including jail medical, which costs $1 million. He discussed the move to Naphcare’s 24-hour coverage. He said there is a reduction in the number of transports to Steck clinic. He discussed the 1 percent cap on property taxes, which forces the county to make tough decisions and to dip into reserves. He said sheriffs have asked the state Legislature to lift that cap. Commissioner Fund invited the sheriff to attend the Oct. 6 Legislative Roundtable to discuss unfunded mandates. Sheriff Snaza discussed the fact that Medicaid coverage costs as soon as an individual is booked. He said legislators don’t seem to understand the impact that has on counties. He said those costs are paid by the taxpayers. Becky asked where he stands on the three-tenths of 1 percent funding. Sheriff Snaza said all parties would have to agree to it. He said there would have to be a good explanation of where the money is going and what it would take care of. He said the county has a low tax rate as it is. He said a move to higher taxation would have to be backed by all of the entities, including 911, Law and Justice, etc. JAIL 2018 prelim budget: Revenue: $1,906,573; expenditures: $7,458,500; FTEs: 55 Revenue review Sheriff Snaza discussed a large revenue decrease for 2017 and 2018. He said he had a contract with Mason County to house their prisoners. He said Mason County has opted to stop using Lewis County’s service. Carolyn asked if the originating county pays for the medical coverage of someone who is housed at Lewis County Jail under an outside contract. Commissioner Jackson left at 2:35 p.m. Expenditure limitation discussion Increase requested: $22,248 increase for fingerprint machines and additional $150,000 Fund 110 (Jail mental health services). Sheriff Snaza said the $150,000 helps cover for mental health help. He said 80 percent to 90 percent of those incarcerated at the jail acquire mental health help. Commissioner Jackson returned at 2:38 p.m. Sheriff Snaza discussed the increase in mental health troubles. Sheriff Snaza said the area needs economic growth to help combat mental health issues and drug abuse. He said help cannot be forced. He said the individual has to want the help. Meeting ended at 2:44 p.m.