2017-09-12 Budget mtg - WSU Extension for 2018Budget meeting with WSU Extension September 12, 2017 9:35 a.m. Present: Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, Becky Butler, Steve Walton, Sheila Gray Guests: Justyna Tomtas, Mitch Townsend, Matt Brock, Bill Marshall, Anthony Ahrens, Linda Williams Recorder: Rieva Lester 2018 prelim budget: Revenue: $25,120, expenditures: $256,000; FTEs: 1.60 Becky Butler said the county also pays WSU $77,000 for extra support. Revenue review Sheila Gray gave an overview of WSU Extension. She said revenues come from local foundations help with revenues. Expenditure review Becky said the biggest part of the operations budget is for the support staff. Sheila said she is a state employee, not a county employee. She said the $77,000 the county pays goes toward her position as well as others. Sheila discussed the request for the additional $7,500. She said WSU recommends a larger contribution than what the county currently contributes. Expenditure limitation discussion Increase request: $7,500 to “meet the suggested level of county contributions to WSU Lewis County Extension outreach education program development and delivery to the community members of Lewis County.” Overall summary / goals / challenges (short and long term) Facilities costs. TO-DO Commissioner Fund asked Sheila to tour the fairgrounds with Steve Walton and Doug Carey and to reach out to Centralia College about the feasibility of partnering with and locating at the college. Discussion about office location Becky said there is a potential to move the WSU office to the fairgrounds as a cost-savings measure and as a benefit because of location. Becky noted that many WSU Extension offices are located on fairgrounds, and she noted that the current WSU location is costly. She asked if Sheila had weighed the pros and cons. Sheila said the fair is only one of WSU’s events. She said the pros of the location are familiarity. She said the cons would be the hassle of the move itself. She said the only pro would be finances. Bill Marshall said parking would be better at the fairgrounds. Mitch Townsend suggested partnering with and locating at Centralia College, which would provide parking, a great location, and access to students. Sheila said most WSU Extension offices are co-located with county governments. She said some are co- located with their local fairgrounds. Sheila said Facilities and IT support are the main increases for her budget. Becky said Facilities costs for the current location is roughly $12 per square foot. She said the fairgrounds would be less expensive. Becky said the conference room often is booked for WSU training use, making it less available for other departments. Sheila said WSU is very good about rescheduling their own events to accommodate others’ requests. Questions / comments Commissioner Stamper asked Sheila about outside travel. Sheila said she attends and hosts many events of local interest. Bill Marshall asked about the demonstration garden MOU. Sheila said efforts are underway to create teaching gardens. Commissioner Fund asked Sheila to tour the fairgrounds with Steve Walton and Doug Carey and to reach out to Centralia College. Meeting ended at 10:02 a.m.