2017-09-14 Senior center building discussionSenior Center Building Discussion September 14, 2017 Start time- 2:07 p.m. Attendees: Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, Becky Butler, Steve Walton, Doug Carey Guests: Justyna Tomtas, Susan DeLaire, Col. Ron Averill Recorder: Rachel Hunt Becky Butler and Steve Walton started the meeting saying this meeting is to review preliminary lease terms without seeing financials from Lewis County Seniors 501c3. Steve expressed a desire to get the ball rolling in terms of using the standard lease language which was used with Catholic Community Services. The group discussed the status of the Toledo Center location. Becky suggested setting up a meeting with Toledo officials. Doug Carey outlined the costs for the maintenance on the buildings including repairs. Col. Ron Averill asked about which repairs would be included such as the walk-in freezer and replacement of light bulbs. Steve Walton mentioned the details will be worked out at a later date. Becky discussed the focus of the meeting is to get the BOCC’s input on lease terms. The group discussed utilizing the list of seniors compiled during the senior center meetings for fundraising and volunteers. Steve Walton discussed Becky Butler said the portion not outlined in the lease is information about the Twin Cities location which would need to be added. The group discussed the fiber optics serving the center locations throughout the county. Col. Ron Averill asked what the plan is for the separation of space at the Twin Cities location. The group discussed various viable options. It was reiterated this lease is just a starting point. Col. Ron Averill asked what information the Lewis County Seniors would need to bring to the meeting on Tuesday. The group discussed how the leases were handled when Catholic Community Services leased the buildings. The group discussed fundraising options for the Lewis County Seniors. Susan DeLaire asked where the commercial kitchen is that WSU is currently using. The group also discussed a potential partnership with Centralia College in Morton. Commissioner Jackson stepped out of the meeting at 3:05 p.m. and rejoined the meeting at 3:10 p.m. Susan DeLaire asked if WSU is currently paying a fee for the Borst Kitchen. Meeting ended at 3:12 p.m.