2017-09-11 Update with Health Minutes BOCC Update Minutes September 11, 2017 Start Time: 2:25 pm End Time: 3:39 pm Present: Commissioner Fund Danette York Commissioner Stamper Bill Teitzel Commissioner Jackson JP Anderson Recorder: Sandi Andrus Dr. Wood Dr. Preston Stephens (Intern with Dr. Wood) GOOD OF THE ORDER: • Danette received an email asking about the funding support for the Cispus Learning Center. A discussion was held regarding funding for Cispus. It was uncertain whether it was approved for $12,000 or $20,000 for 2017. Commissioner Stamper would like it to remain at $20,000 or be increased to $20,000 if it is still at $12,000 for 2018. Decision: Sandi will check on whether it was approved for more than $12,000. Danette will let the Commissioners know for the budget. BUDGET: • Danette discussed an issue with having Fiscal track our expenditures for grants. When agencies look at what we have not spent, they often reduce the amount they give us the following year. Staff was given an amount of $24,624.22 that we needed to spend for one of the Ecology grants. We spent all of that and then found out they entered the incorrect amount initially so we left almost $2500 on the table because of this error. Danette advocates to have a fiscal staff person work directly for and in our own department. We could monitor our budget more closely with someone in our own department. DISCUSSION: • Update on Reorganization – Danette Discussion: This is almost done. Donna Muller is staying in Communicable Disease and will also be handling Children with Special Health Care Needs and Work First. The third floor is having the ceiling replaced currently and cleaning drywall dust. Commissioner Jackson left at 2:35 • Updated List of Code Enforcement Cases (handout) – Bill Teitzel Discussion: The following items were discussed: o #1 – Lewis County Property, W. Reynolds, Centralia – Amended the contract with an extension. Lots of cars have been removed with about seven cars and miscellaneous scrap metal remain. They discussed whether they can tear down the house. Bill reminded the Commissioners that it is up to them. Bill’s concern is that abatement funds were set up to clean up private property which would be reimbursed but this is now County property. Decision: Bill will check to see if abatement funds can be used to tear down the house. o #2 – Coal Creek Sewer Extension Project Update – This is done. They had a discussion about recommending the Chehalis staff who made this happen being recognized. There is a program through WSAC and Spokane Regional District to nominate people nationally for awards. Decision: Danette and Dr. Wood will check on state association awards. We will recognize Patrick and the Chehalis employees who worked on this at a Chehalis City Council meeting. o #3 – Nyman Family Partnership, Lutkens Rd., Mineral – They have a failing septic system and are operating a Bed & Breakfast out of an old family farmhouse on approximately 260 acres of farm land. They have hired an attorney which Bill has been corresponding with but needs to talk with the owners. o #4 – Homeless Occupation of County Right of Way – Some homeless people are moving in under bridges and won’t leave. When they do leave, they leave a lot of garbage behind. Public Works is looking into ways to address this and what we can do. It is currently a right of way but the County would like to make it a no trespassing area. o #5 – Centralia Parks Complaint – Mike Wilds wants to volunteer to pick up litter. He is complaining about feces and needles he runs into and looking to us for help. The City should be taking care of this which involves Borst and Riverside Parks. Dr. Wood said metal sharps containers Thurston put out did not work. Maybe an idea from YouTube using hard plastic, gloves and tongs would work. Commissioner Stamper wondered if there have been any models out there that worked successfully. There was a program about how Salt Lake City addressed this problem. JP is looking forward to working on ideas to improve housing in Lewis County. Unfortunately a lot of homeless people do not want those services due to different reasons. Seattle spends $50,000,000 a year to solve housing problems and it is still a problem which is getting bigger. o #6 – Mayfield RV Park, 2914 US Hwy 12, Silver Creek – Owner is applying for permits to remodel the bathhouse. He is trying to get rid of problem renters and going through the permitting process. The water system also has issues. He has a Group A system and is on track to have all requirements met by end of the year. He is limited to the number of approved connections which is based on occupancy number of the houses on the property. There are two old permitted septic systems on the property. This is permitted as a transient RV Park but being used as a mobile home park. JP left at 2:55. There is limited information on the septic system. There are many RV parks like this in the County. We do not have any requirement when properties change hands to be informed about their plans for the property. This would require a local code to establish these conditions. We need to solve this problem on this property and each property with the same problem. Decision: Bill will give information on connections to Commissioner Stamper. Bill will work with the owner and remind him what the conditions of his permits are. o #7 – High Valley Country Club, Cannon Rd., Packwood – Complaints from High Valley against the High Valley Club. Environmental Staff are taking care of it. o #8 – Marx, Louis and Mike, 2112 State Route 506, Vader – Louis is elderly with a mobile home near Ryderwood. He wants to build new house and needs a permit. The property has a spring fed water system serving four homes. His son treats the water for them. We would have to do a water availability which would not pass the Group B requirements. We are drafting a letter to tell him if he applied, we would not approve the current system as is. There is poor well water out there – a lot of it is salt water. A corporation owns the land. They do have the proper water rights from WSDOE. o #9 – Cook, Jeffery, 1120 Spring Ln., Centralia – This is above Stillwater Estates. There is a big water infiltrator collection system. The house on top had all the trees cleared and they are afraid of sediment and dirt coming down. The State DNR says it is not a forest practice issue they regulate. The owner is avoiding contact. Commissioner Stamper asked about the boathouse a man and his wife live in at the Toledo Vader exit. They moved in last summer and have nothing permitted. He is a veteran and has no money. Bill has already cited this individual and been through District Court. Bill is keeping an eye on this. Mr. Nichols (Joshua) went to jail recently for three years. He is the man that tried to burn his neighbor’s place down at 242 US Hwy 12, Chehalis. The property across from Bonagofski at 4003 Harrison Avenue, is getting better. They have removed a lot of cars. Bill will work on county abatement if they do not get it cleaned this summer. Commissioner Stamper stated to encourage them along as long as they are making progress. • Public Health & Social Services Advisory Board Applicants – Danette Discussion: Commissioner Fund wants a law & Justice person on the Board. Rob Snaza indicated he would appoint someone from the Sheriff’s office to be on the Board. Danette named all those we recommend moving forward on the Board. Other applicants that were previously determined to have a conflict of interest, have been determined to be eligible to be members of the Board and will be considered. If they have a conflict of interest they will need to recuse themselves from voting on specific topics. The Commissioners want a good geographic and cross section representation. Decision: We will prepare a Resolution to approve the Board membership and send a letter to the others. Danette will follow up with Sheriff Snaza being on the Board. • Update regarding Request for Proposal for the one-tenth of 1 percent tax – Danette Discussion: Nothing new on this. Proposals are due the end of the month. We will review and find a subject matter expert to sit on the ad hoc committee. Commissioner Fund asked about the BHO dollars for the Mental Health alternative. Danette has met with BHO staff and given them a list of all funded programs and they are looking at whether there is anything else that can be funded. The BHO are unable to fund programs unless they are for things Medicaid can pay for and not being duplicated elsewhere. The jail cannot receive this money; Medicaid stops when they go to jail. • Update regarding Naloxone grant to combat opioid overdoses – Danette Discussion: We have received the kits. They will be distributed to Law Enforcement after they are trained on how to use them which is currently going on. • Senior Center Transition Discussion: AAA requested a meeting with the BOCC, Danette, Glenda and the Lewis County Seniors (LCS) Board members. They are asking if the County will support the senior nutrition program financially, if so, the amount, and what is happening with the buildings. Danette scheduled a meeting for them to come down on the 19th during the meeting between the LCS board and the BOCC. The application to AAA came back needing more information. Danette is working with them. An option the County is looking at is maybe holding onto the buildings and charging a lease. The inside upkeep would not be done by the County. OTHER ISSUES of Concern to the BOCC: • Glenn Carter has been working on a Mutual Aid Agreement with the tribes in case of an emergency. The Local Health Jurisdictions and tribes would work together. Most tribes and LHJs have been working on getting this agreement written and signed. Glenn has it ready to be signed for our County. A resolution will be ready for the Board of Health. Dr. Wood informed the Commissioners that the Health Officer has a lot of power in an emergency but not on sovereign lands. The Indian nations may want the same protection as other people but Health Officers have no jurisdiction on their lands so this agreement would be beneficial to all. The State is having a big signing ceremony in October.