2017-09-18 LTAC Application ReviewLTAC Application Review September 18, 2017 Start time- 1:02 p.m. Attendees: See sign in sheet, Justyna Tomtas Recorder: Rachel Hunt Commissioner Stamper began the meeting with introductions. Becky Butler discussed the maintenance requirement for the Lewis County Museum to automatically be taken out of the total of allocated funds. Commissioner Stamper began the process The board went through their total suggestions for each application. The group discussed whether or not the City of Toledo’s application would be accepted because it is an incorporated city. Harry Bhagwandin suggested reconsidering both the City of Toledo and the Pe Ell’s applications. CJ Neer asked if both projects have the ability to bring in Lodging Tax funds. The group discussed how the questions were answered on the City of Toledo’s application. The preliminary of the total of the suggestions is $319,046. The group discussed the status of the City of Toledo’s request. The majority of the group had scored the application. The committee decided to make the City of Toledo eligible due to the fact they want to encourage new applications and it is also based on that the City of Toledo is not collecting LTAC dollars- pending verification. The committee also expressed a need to contact the town of Pe Ell. The new preliminary total is $321,000. The group discussed how they are going to allocate the remaining funds. Bonnie Blake suggested giving the projects which promote all of Lewis County priority. The committee decided to fully fund Discover Lewis County at $45,000. Harry asked about the funding and project completion in relation to the 2017 Puyallup Fair booth. The committee decided to fully fund the Puyallup Fair booth at $10,000. The committee discussed the funding amount for Fire Mountain Arts Council. The committee decided to fully fund the project. The committee discussed the White Pass Scenic Byway project details. The committee decided to also fully fund Destination Packwood-Visitor Center. Dan Kay made a motion to submit the funding totals to the BOCC. Larry Jones seconded the motion Motion carried 6-0. Commissioner said at this point he would be against reopening the process to Pe Ell for 2018 funding. Meeting ended at 2:45 p.m.