2017-09-18 Wrap Up1
Wrap Up
September 18, 2017
Start time- 9:00 a.m.
Attendees: Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson
Guests: CJ Neer, Susan DeLaire, Mitchell Townsend, Bob Guenther
Recorder: Rachel Hunt
Commissioner Fund made a motion to add two resolutions to the Monday agenda. A Notice of Hearing
for Ordinance 1280 amending Lewis County Code and a Resolution to approve requesting review by the
Healthcare Authority to participate in the Washington State Insurance Plans. Commissioner Jackson
seconded the motion.
Commissioner Jackson asked for clarification on the language in the draft which was sent over from the
Prosecutor’s Office last week.
Motion carried 3-0.
The BOCC discussed having Rachel Hunt being on the safety committee.
The group discussed the Legislative Roundtable agenda topics. Capital Budget needs to be added to the
agenda, DNR, Mayors’ roundtable topics.
Commissioner Stamper briefly stepped out of the meeting at 9:18 a.m.
Commissioner Fund read a resignation letter from Lee Grose. The group discussed potential people who
would be a good fit to serve on PAC Mountain.
Bob Guenther joined the meeting at 9:22 a.m.
Commissioner Fund discussed WSAC topics for the upcoming meeting in Kittitas County. The group also
discussed how WSAC is discussing hiring another attorney which would need more money from Lewis
County to help fund the position.
Mitchell Townsend asked about how federal dollars are being allocated at the state level.
Commissioner Stamper discussed the Packwood Improvement Club/ Franklin Bridge Park. He continued
by discussing there is an area in Packwood along the river that could be prepared for a parking area.
The BOCC discussed possible leases at the Senior Center locations.
Commissioner Fund stepped out of the meeting at 9:42 a.m. and reentered at 9:44 a.m.
The BOCC discussed .09 requests will be coming in.
Commissioner Fund dispersed a flyer for the Skookumchuck Wind Energy Project.
Commissioner Fund requested a recess till after the legislative meeting at 9:53 until 10:40 a.m.
Commissioner Fund discussed a case from Okanagan County with WSAC.
The BOCC discussed calendar items for the upcoming week.
Commissioner Fund left the meeting at 10:53 a.m.
Meeting ended at 11:00 a.m.