2017-09-19 Meeting to discuss Senior CentersMeeting to discuss Senior Centers September 19, 2017 3:30 p.m. Present: Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, Glenn Carter, Glenda Forga, Danette York, Doug Carey, Steve Walton Guests: Susan DeLaire, Justyna Tomtas, Jan Averill, Mona Rae Fish, Bob Bozarth, Fred Rider, John Panesko, Ron Averill, Jerry Pratt, Michelle Whitten, Allyson Felt, Don Bradshaw, Zora DeGrandpre, Jim Henderson, Valerie Lamb, Joy McBride Recorder: Rieva Lester Attendees introduced themselves. Commissioner Stamper opened the meeting, discussing lease options for the senior center buildings. Steve Walton said the deed for the Toledo building indicates ownership would return to the city. Steve Walton said the lease starting point follows those set out by the Catholic Community Services model. He said it addresses the rent / lease amounts per site. He said the lease would indicate the county would be responsible for the building maintenance and would spell out the group’s responsibilities. Steve said the CCS model included the lease and an agreement. He said the board is willing to gradually divorce the county from the programs. Steve said the county is willing to give $100,000 in 2018 in the form of a grant. He said the county would then decrease funding in subsequent years. John Panesko said that amount would be a waste of the group’s time. Commissioner Fund said if the government is not involved, the group should be able to run it for less. Steve said he has not yet seen the group’s business model. John discussed the high costs associated with gambling and alcohol service. He said the group has not run this type of “business” before. He said other groups throughout the community are having a hard time raising money. He said there may need to be a huge reorganization of the senior centers. Commissioner Stamper asked if the group has any proposals. John said the group is working on it. Commissioner Stamper said the commissioners said the buildings need to be taken care of first. Jerry Pratt said the CCS group failed during its attempt. To do Draft a resolution allowing gambling and/or alcohol in county-owned buildings now Glenn said it would require a change in county code, which would require an ordinance Steve said the dollar amounts for the draft are not the same as those for CCS. Ron Averill said most of the group does is paid for after the fact. He discussed the up-front costs associated. He said the centers would have only roughly $40,000 toward the effort. He said the centers have not produced the amount of money they are supposed to. Danette York said the advisory boards were told not to contribute more than needed. She said the centers should still have their money. She said the centers should have roughly $103,000. Ron said the commissioners should realize that the group is not yet ready to take over the centers. He discussed thrift stores, bingo events, etc. Fred Rider discussed his experience buying and selling businesses. Commissioner Fund said it sounds like the group doesn’t have all of the information it needs. Jerry Pratt said the commissioners should know the figures. How much do the individual centers have? Danette said the county does not run the enrichment program. She said each center runs its own enrichment programs. Michelle Whitten asked if the board should not send any more money in. Danette said all of the centers were ahead. Fred Rider said the offer on the buildings is understandable and reasonable. Allyson Felt and Glenn Carter discussed the deed for the Toledo building. If the lessee were to use it for recreational buildings, Glenn said, the building would not go to the city. Commissioner Stamper discussed what would be done with the surplus from the grant. He asked if it would be rolled back. Doug Carey said the rentals of the four buildings would be roughly $50,000 and operational costs (utilities, etc.) would make up the bulk of the costs. John Panekso said he’d like to go into the arrangement with some kind of line of credit. He said the hope is to operate more efficiency. He asked if the group could partner with the county. Ron Averill said the group needs to meet with the county budget staff. He said he is confident the new group would be able to meet the AAA requirements. Jerry asked if the county would be willing to extend a line of credit. Danette York asked for clarification about what the group is asking for. The group said they would like a line of credit for up to $375,000. Glenn said that would be contingent on the funds being available. Glenda Forga said donations to the Lewis County Seniors can be sent to P.O. Box 984, Chehalis. Danette suggested talking to the chairs and treasurers of each of the centers to determine whether they would plan to contribute to the Lewis County Seniors. Commissioner Stamper said he would like to see the group put together a budget sheet and share the numbers with the commissioners before the commissioners would commit one way or another. He discussed the county’s various obligations, such as agreements. Commissioner Stamper asked the group if it feels comfortable regarding the leases of the buildings. Commissioner Fund discussed the need to steer clear of the gifting of public funds. Glenn discussed the difference between an advance grant (similar to a line of credit) vs. a reimbursement grant. Joy McBride said Valerie Lamb has been working with Glenda to determine various. She said AAA works on a reimbursement foundation. She said the question surrounds whether the new group would be qualified to provide meals. Zora DeGrandpre asked about the gifting of public funds. Glenn said the programs operate under a statute that probably is unconstitutional. Don asked about utilities, etc. at the buildings. Rob Averill said the group would need nearly $50,000 for utilities. Joy asked if all food and supplies would be transferred from the county to the senior centers. Bob Bozarth left briefly at 4:20 p.m. Ron said there are two committees involved in building up the operating plan. He said he needs to start meeting with the county staff. The group discussed subleasing the various buildings. The group discussed the need for a resolution allowing gambling and/or alcohol in county-owned buildings now, before the Senior team takes over. Meeting adjourned at 4:28 p.m.