2017-09-19 Risk Management meeting MinutesRisk Management Update Agenda September 19, 2017 1:30 p.m. Attendees: Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, Paulette Young, Casey Mauerman, Tawni Shepherd Guests: Sharyn Decker, Justyna Tomas Start Time ___1:32_p.m._________ End Time _ 1:56p.m.___ 1. Workers’ Comp Update – Tawni discussed all opened workers’ comp claims 2. PDR Position Update – Casey and Paulette discussed their accomplishments, upcoming policy, and training schedule. 3. Half Time Position for PDR office – The Pros. Office has asked that we split a full time employee between both offices 4. New Tort claims a. Karen Anderson - $280.80 – Claims that a flagger sent her through a striping operation and she drove through the wet paint leaving yellow paint on her “new” car. –BOCC voted 3-0 to deny this claim b. James Alvard - $432.80 – Claims we did damage to his freshly sealed driveway during construction. Kevin confimed we streaked their driveway and they tried to pressure wash the driveway. We then pot marked their driveway. Claim has been approved by Paulette and paid by the Risk Pool. 5. Budget – no discussion 6. Risk Manager transition plan – Paulette plans on leaving sometime next year and encouraged the BOCC to start a transition plan 7. Paulette’s work schedule. – No discussion