2017-09-19 Update with Central ServicesUpdate with Central Services September 19, 2017 10:35 a.m. Attendees: Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, Steve Walton Recorder: Rachel Hunt Budget- funds are currently on track for 2017. The budget meeting for 2018 is next Wednesday. Employee has returned to fiscal from medical leave, will be working half days for the rest of the month. Health Building remodel is in its final stages. Steve gave an update on the electrical project at the fairgrounds. Law & Justice sealing project will be moved to 2018. The jail and the L&J boilers are being replaced and changes are being made to reduce the radiant heat to important radio equipment nearby. Parks are to be closed for the winter. Central services and the fair are going to have lunch picnic recognizing the crews for their work during the fair. Morton District Court lease needs to be renewed. Steve Walton gave an overview of the meeting with Judge Buzzard and Hazel Dibble. No issues for approval from Capital Facilities. Caretaker position at the fair is currently being interviewed for. New employee at the fairgrounds will be learning the fiscal responsibilities in October. The fair manager has requested to transition to a 4 10 schedule in the off season of the fairgrounds. Steve discussed a previous shelter meeting with the Board. Finance system- training sessions are currently taking place. Meeting ended at 11:20 p.m.