2017-09-20 Budget UpdateMeeting with Budget September 20, 2017 2:35 p.m. Present: Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, Becky Butler, Steve Walton, Archie Smith Guests: Justyna Tomtas, Mitch Townsend, Matt Brock, Bill Marshall, Anthony Ahrens Recorder: Rieva Lester Becky Butler said a County Manager position would be roughly a grade 37. She discussed the position Larry Keeton held when he was the chief of staff. Commissioner Stamper asked how updates took place when the county had a chief of staff. Commissioner Jackson said the idea of a county manager is just another layer of bureaucracy that the county cannot afford. Commissioner Stamper said the county would have to do something different to offset the $250,000 price tag. He said the county already is working with a skeleton crew. Becky discussed positions left vacant after retirements, etc., as well as actual layoffs that took place in the past. Commissioner Fund asked if there would be a way to reconfigure to free the commissioners up to work on flood control, etc. Steve Walton said there are a lot of efficiencies to be gained by having someone in the position. He said day-to-day administrative duties. He reminded the group that the Blue Ribbon panel already met with elected and other department heads to determine whether it would be a good idea for Lewis County. He said the board would need to do a restructuring to free up money toward the position. Becky also discussed a cost allocation for the position. Steve discussed the need for that position to have great communications. The group discussed the pros and cons of a county manager position. The group discussed how other entities vary on the hiring and firing authority of the chief of staff / county manager. Mitch Townsend said the return on the investment for the county manager position is not there. He suggested a hybrid approach of possibly using a current employee to fill the basic needs of the position. He likened it to having a commanding officer and supporting officer. Matt Brock discussed budget constraints as well as the lack of raises countywide. Commissioner Stamper said he’s heard the push for a county manager has been linked to claims that the county has been careless with its money. He said he also has been thinking of how to have someone internally possibly fill the role the Blue Ribbon Task Force has suggested. Commissioner Jackson said the county does not run through money as perceived. Bill Marshall said he likes the idea of an interim step, as Mitch proposed. Anthony Ahrens said hiring an executive would not be a cost-saving move. Archie discussed the board liaison position created after Larry Keeton’s departure. He said the person in the position was given the responsibility but not the power. Commissioner Jackson left at 3:34 p.m. Archie Smith left at 3:37 p.m. Bill Marshall discussed the need to push for economic developments. Commissioner Fund invited the group to the Oct. 6 Legislative Roundtable. Becky suggested possibly using a county newsletter to help plug the county’s activities. Commissioner Stamper, Mitch Townsend, Matt Brock, Bill Marshall, and Anthony Ahrens left at 3:46 p.m. Justyna Tomtas left at 3:56 p.m. Commissioner Stamper returned at 3:59 p.m. The group attempted to call Larry McGee at 4 p.m. Meeting adjourned at 4:02 p.m.