2017-09-20 Directors UpdateDirectors’ Update September 20, 2017 9:15 a.m. Present: Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, Steve Mansfield, Graham Gowing, Erik Martin, Danette York, Tawni Shepherd, Steve Would, Paulette Young (by phone), Becky Butler, Steve Walton, Archie Smith Guests: Susan DeLaire, Bob Guenther (9:27 a.m.) Recorder: Rieva Lester Presentation item Commissioner Stamper discussed a proclamation recognizing October 1-7, 2017, as Public Power Week in honor of the PUD's contributions to Lewis County. Notice items Graham Gowing discussed a resolution to set a hearing date for Ordinance 1278, an ordinance meant to adopt the revisions to the Lewis County Shoreline Master Program (SMP). Graham Gowing discussed a resolution to set a hearing date for Ordinance 1279, an ordinance to amend Lewis County Code (LCC) Chapter 17.25 and Section 18.05.120 to reflect the revisions to the Lewis County Shoreline Master Program (SMP). Deliberation items Archie Smith discussed a resolution to approve a Collective Bargaining Agreement between Lewis County & Teamsters 252 representing the Prosecutors Clerical group for calendar years 2016-2019. Archie Smith discussed a resolution to approve a Collective Bargaining Agreement between Lewis County & Teamsters 252 representing the Assessors group for calendar years 2016-2019. Archie Smith discussed a resolution to approve a Collective Bargaining Agreement between Lewis County & Teamsters 252 representing the Supervisors group for calendar years 2016-2019. Archie Smith discussed a salary adjustment for all non-represented employees beginning 09/01/2017. Archie Smith discussed a resolution to approve a Collective Bargaining Agreement between AFSCME 1341 representing the Public Service Employees (Community development & Public Works) group for calendar years 2016-2019. Archie Smith discussed a resolution for medical rates to be paid by Lewis County for non-union employees and elected officials beginning September 1, 2017. HELD: Archie Smith discussed a resolution to approve a Collective Bargaining Agreement between Lewis County & Teamsters 252 representing the Juvenile Probation & Clerical group for calendar years 2016- 2019. HELD: Archie Smith discussed a resolution to approve a Collective Bargaining Agreement between Lewis County & Teamsters 252 representing the Juvenile Detention group for calendar years 2016-2019. Danette York discussed a resolution to approve contract between Lewis County and The Salvation Army to provide assistance to individuals who are at-risk of or experiencing homelessness from July 1, 2017, through June 30, 2019. Erik Martin discussed a resolution to extend end date on Vader Water Fund 420 Cash Flow Loan. Bob Guenther joined at 9:27 a.m. Erik Martin discussed a resolution to appoint Tim D. Fife, PE as County Engineer. Late add: Teamsters combined (Archie Smith). Late add: Disaster preparedness (Steve Mansfield). Commissioner Jackson made a motion to move one (1) Presentation, two (2) Notice items, two (2) Consent items, and nine (9) Deliberation items to the Monday, Sept. 25, 2017, BOCC agenda. Commissioner Fund seconded the motion. Motion passed 3-0. Roundtable Steve Mansfield discussed updates regarding efforts to improve emergency services. Graham Gowing said burn restrictions have not yet been lifted. He said fire officials have recommended leaving the restrictions as-is for now. Danette York discussed Health’s recently completed project. Paulette Young said a new link has been created for driver abstracts. She said she would be in the county the following week. Tawni Shepherd said policies are being updated. Steve Wohld urged caution against cyberattacks. He said IT is working on a PC order and a Microsoft Exchange update. He also said Matt Trent will be leaving. Becky Butler said full-day budget meetings are planned Sept. 27 and 28. She gave accolades to HR for work on contracts. Archie Smith said he will attend a conference in Bend, Ore., the following week. The group discussed rules and retention policies for social media and text messaging. Becky Butler discussed recommendations regarding project requests for .09 funds. Steve Wohld discussed the Equifax hack and how to safeguard against the fallout. Commissioner Jackson left at 10:20 p.m. Glenn Carter joined at 10:21 a.m. Commissioner Jackson returned at 10:22 p.m. Bob Guenther discussed TransAlta’s proposed solar project. Meeting ended at 10:26 a.m.