2017-09-20 ESC meetingESC meeting September 20, 2017 8:15 a.m. Present: Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, Lee Napier, Erik Martin, Tawni Shepherd, Hazel Dibble, Danette York, Megan Sibbert, Doug Carey, Arny Davis, Larry Grove, Suzette Smith, Archie Smith, Graham Gowing, Steve Wohld, Steve Walton, Becky Butler, Janelle Kambich, Wes Rethwill, Scott Tinney (8:19 a.m.) Guests: Anthony Ahrens, Linda Williams (8:27 a.m.) Recorder: Rieva Lester Introductions. Megan Sibbert gave a brief Munis update. She said the payroll portion of Munis will be delayed slightly. Suzette Smith invited the group to the SAO exit conference. She said recommendations have been sent out to the departments that received recommendations. She said the county is receiving two findings. Doug Carey said the Capital Facilities Committee has created a new project request form. He discussed the steps necessary to have a project considered. Commissioner Jackson made a motion to approve the August minutes. Archie Smith seconded. Motion passed. Archie Smith and Commissioner Jackson discussed insurance rates. They said the county was warned of an insurance rate hike of up to 70 percent. To avoid that, the county is considering moving groups from WCIF to PEBB, Commissioner Jackson said. Archie said the non-reps and big AFSME would leave WCIF. He said it would be a four-tier system: employee; employee and spouse; employee and child; employee and family. The group asked how the move would affect how much employees pay. Archie said he believes he’ll have hard numbers by the end of the following week. Commissioner Fund discussed the budget and the Legislative Roundtable. Janelle Kambich discussed indigent defense and the costs associated with it. Lee Napier said Hirst and the roadmap to GMA should be discussed. Erik Martin suggested discussing Hydraulic Project Approvals (HPAs). Meeting ended at 9 a.m.