2017-09-25 Update Health Minutes Special BOCC Update Minutes September 25, 2017 Start Time: 2:45 pm End Time: 3:28 pm Present: Commissioner Fund Danette York Commissioner Stamper Bill Teitzel Commissioner Jackson JP Anderson Recorder: Sandi Andrus BUDGET • 1/10th of 1% funding and contracts Discussion: Cutoff to receive proposals was Friday. We received 10 proposals; some were for a partial amount and some were for the full amount. Danette asked about what was in the newspaper about an increase request from 1/10th funds for mental health services in the jail. The newspaper reported that the increase would be used to pay Naphcare for mental health services but the Naphcare contract specifically states they will not provide any mental health services including prescriptions. JP noted that staff has learned the jail is using this funding to cover the cost of performing a screening for every individual who comes into the jail. The screening consists of about 2-3 mental health questions. Commissioner Stamper said they are getting legal advice on this. Decision: Commissioner Fund will send a copy of the letter of support they received to attach to the 1/10th application from Valley View. ISSUES FROM PREVIOUS MEETINGS • PHSS Advisory Board appointments – Danette Discussion: The BOCC needs to vote on whom to appoint to the PHSS Advisory Board since we have multiple applications. Danette received two applications since they last met. There was a discussion as to whom should be appointed. The Commissioners would like to see those who are not appointed be provided an opportunity to serve on any subcommittees to this board. Commissioner Fund made a Motion to appoint in sectors: Medical Provider – Rebekah Miner, Environmental Health – Becky Rieger, Developmental Disabilities – Lorrie Davis, Behavioral Health – Matt Patten, Housing/Homeless – Carolyn Schoenborn, Health Education/Prevention – Cristi Heitschmidt, Law & Justice – Dan Riordan, At Large – Jami Lund and Linda Williams (or Erica Dennehy At Large if Linda Williams does not want to be appointed in that sector) be appointed to the Public Health & Social Services Advisory Board. Commissioner Jackson seconded. Motion approved 3-0. Appointments need to start as staggered terms. Straws will be drawn to determine the number of years for each appointment. Decision: Inform those who were not chosen to be on the Board and let them know that they should let us know if they would like to be on any of the subcommittees that will be formed. • Event Centers code enforcement - Danette Discussion: Danette and Lee Napier have been working on the event centers’ issues. Bill has been following up on complaints. Country and Lace Event Center in Toledo is not yet in compliance but they are continuing to hold events. Another one that has recently come back up is the Bolender Horse Park. With the change in Gross Management, this property should be able to come into compliance as the activities are related to agriculture land. He submitted building permits but they were never finalized. Bill will send a letter to request that he come in to start the discussion and process to come into compliance. These event centers’ owners need to all be treated the same. He has expired building permits and no permits for water and septic. Decision: Bill will proceed forward. NEW ISSUES • Dangerous animal presiding officer – Danette Discussion: This was discussed this morning. Commissioner Fund made a Motion to designate a presiding officer, particularly Erica Johnson from Thurston County, for a dangerous animal hearing for October 3, 2017. Commissioner Jackson seconded. Motion approved 3-0. GOOD OF THE ORDER Mr. Bob Guenther had questions about Fire Mountain Farms. There are several locations for Fire Mountain Farms; this one is located off the Napavine Exit at Highway 508 and is under a moratorium and cannot apply biosolids. Emerald Kalama Chemicals (EKC) has filed suit against Fire Mountain Farms. They have liquid/sludge contaminated with chemicals of potentially toxic waste with high amounts of benzene. The Department of Ecology said they cannot spread it on any property. The lagoon liner has failed in the past with all this sludge and liquid in it, but has since been repaired. The lagoon holds sludge and the dangerous chemicals, but rainwater collects on top, and the owner of the lagoon must maintain proper freeboard to keep it from overtopping. At one point, EKC was hauling this rainwater classified as ‘contained in liquid’ out and taking it down to another area but this summer they maxed it out. DOE called Bill and said it was ‘contained in’ liquid and determined the top amount of liquid was not so bad and did not have all the contaminants in it. It was OK to apply on the surrounding property in an area nearby but cannot be done in the wet winter months. They want to do this in the summer but Bill feels there are concerns with nitrates and wet soil. They tested the soil and determined they could apply it and not have a nitrate problem. Bill spoke to Peter Lyons about it and he has been in contact with Mr. Guenther as well.