2017-09-27 Budget mtg - Public Works Roads for 2018Budget meeting with Public Works - Roads September 27, 2017 2:10 p.m. Present: Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, Becky Butler, Steve Walton, Erik Martin, Lara Seiler, Tim Fife Guests: Justyna Tomtas, Mitch Townsend, Bill Marshall, Anthony Ahrens, Linda Williams Recorder: Rieva Lester ROADS 2018 prelim budget Revenue: $20,936,755, expenditures: $22,800,111; FTEs: 118.03 Revenue review Erik Martin discussed some of the funding sources, including property taxes, which make up about half of the budget. He discussed a federal Surface Transportation Program, which is a rolling fund that builds up over time. Erik discussed FEMA funding, which offers reimbursements as well as post-disaster project funding. Bill Marshall discussed private drives on Gore Road that were washed out years ago. He said it turned out nearby culverts were undersized. Erik said there is a new-culvert standard countywide. He also discussed fish passages that are being upsized due to the Endangered Species Act. Erik said projects are prioritized based on safety, accident history, average daily traffic, and surface condition. Erik discussed funding from the federal Secure Rural Schools, which provided $940,000 years ago and only $77,000 recently. The group discussed “diversion” and “tax shift” options. Becky asked what impact a tax shift would have. Erik said the fund balance is depleting, closely tied to the lack of Secure Rural Schools funding. Erik said the loss of revenue through tax shift likely would stall fish passage culvert replacement. He said the tradeoff would be jeopardizing matching funds, etc. for other projects. Lara Seiler said she reviewed past property tax revenue. She said Public Works has to watch FEMA and property tax payments. Erik said FEMA reimbursement timelines often are unpredictable. He said Mays Bridge reimbursement recently came through, though that project took place years ago. He said Public Works needs to keep its fund balance at roughly $3.5 million to $4 million. TO-DO LIST Ask Arny Davis about accounting for Diversion. Erik Martin to meet with Sheriff Snaza regarding plans for CVO. Becky said the fund balance projection for year-end 2017 is $5.82 million, and 2018 is $3.96 million. Erik said, historically, Public Works often comes in under budget. He said $3.96 would worry him. The group returned to the “diversion” topic. Becky asked if there had been any movement on the Commercial Vehicle Officer discussions. Erik said there have been no further meetings. Becky asked if the board would like to lay out the diversion agreement. She said there is a County Road Administration Board (CRAB) agreement that could be used. Erik said his understanding is that the CVOs aren’t covering county road patrol for 100 percent of the time. Rather, he said, he has been told that the road-funded traffic enforcement officers work on traffic enforcement between calls. Erik discussed perhaps setting up billing for services. Becky said perhaps the new Munis system will make it easier to track for time, etc. Erik said the diversion should come to the Treasurer and then go to the general fund instead of going to the Road fund before going to the general fund. Erik said he would again reach out to the sheriff. Becky said the board has three options to weigh: Whether to go to a reimbursable program, whether to rely on a statement of services, and whether to cover the total cost of the program as proposed by the sheriff. Commissioner Stamper said lowering the diversion would create a gap for the sheriff’s budget. He said he would support the $1.4 million but with more documentation and accountability. Becky said the tax shift was used in 2010 and 2011. PATHS AND TRAILS 2018 prelim budget Revenue: $14,072, expenditures: $120,000; FTEs: 0 Erik said Swofford Pond is being eyed for a path project. PITS AND QUARRIES 2018 prelim budget Revenue: $800,000; expenditures: $800,000; FTEs: 0 Becky said this is the budget from which sand, rock, etc. are purchased and owned. Commissioner Jackson left at 3:05 p.m. Erik said rock purchases are made through the bidding process. Meeting ended at 3:06 p.m.