2017-09-28 Budget mtg - Comm Dev for 2018Budget meeting with Community Development September 28, 2017 9:37 a.m. Present: Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, Becky Butler, Steve Walton, Lee Napier, Graham Gowing Guests: Justyna Tomtas, Mitch Townsend, Matt Brock, Bill Marshall, Anthony Ahrens Recorder: Rieva Lester FUND 121 2018 prelim budget Revenue: $1,862,055; expenditures: $1,861,510; FTEs: 16 Revenue review Lee Napier said permits make up the bulk of revenue but that those monies are earmarked for specific use. Expenditure review Lee said the department took a 30 percent staffing cut in 2008 and has only added two positions back since then. Lee Napier discussed the various aspects of Community Development. She discussed process improvements taking place within Community Development. She said that process improvement has been in the works for more than a year. She discussed the Voluntary Stewardship Program (VSP). Commissioner Stamper left at 9:44 a.m. Lee discussed the building and planning fees. Commissioner Stamper returned at 9:46 a.m. Lee discussed proposed changes to the building and planning fees, which have remained unchanged since 2007. Becky discussed the need to recover the costs of the county’s various services. She said fees should be evaluated more often. Commissioner Stamper left at 9:49 a.m. Lee discussed the timelines for processing permits. Commissioner Stamper returned at 9:50 a.m. Commissioner Fund praised Community Development and said attendees at a recent OMB meeting indicated Lewis County is much easier to work with than Thurston County. Lee discussed the need for successional planning. Lee discussed the need to move the Community Development to a county campus. Mitch asked about the relationships between Community Development, the Economic Development Council, and Discover Lewis County. Lee discussed those relationships and also discussed the county Comp Plan. Lee discussed Community Development’s outreach efforts. PACKWOOD COUNTY AIRPORT 2018 prelim budget Revenue: $173,666; expenditures: $173,317; FTEs: 0 ED CARLSON MEMORIAL AIRPORT 2018 prelim budget Revenue: $3,269,241; expenditures: $3,261,300; FTEs: .75 Lee discussed the recent upgrades at the Packwood airport. The group discussed the likelihood of changes at the Toledo Airport. Commissioner Stamper discussed its proximity to the Benaroya property in Winlock. He said the airports likely will someday be a key to the county’s economic development. The group discussed the pros and cons of possibly turning area airports into commercial airports. Lee said clubs have expressed an interest in using the Packwood Airport for fly-ins, such as annual events. Lee said fuel sales, hangars, and tie-downs make up the bulk of the airport revenues. FLOOD AUTHORITY Lee discussed the funding sources for the Flood Authority. She discussed the recent demolition of the dilapidated building on Airport Road. Mitch asked about the ability to accept international cargo at the Toledo airport. Lee said she would look into it. Lee discussed the county’s Shared Services Agreement. Commissioner Fund left at 10:25 a.m. Lee discussed how the county determines whether to impose fire restrictions. Commissioner Fund returned at 10:27 a.m. Matt Brock asked for confirmation about the ban on burn barrels. Lee affirmed that burn barrels are not allowed. Commissioner Jackson discussed the Southwest Washington Clear Air Agency. Meeting ended at 10:30 a.m.