2017-09-28 Budget mtg - District Court for 2018Budget meeting with District Court September 28, 2017 4 p.m. Present: Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, Becky Butler, Steve Walton, Judge Buzzard, Hazel Dibble Guests: Justyna Tomtas, Mitch Townsend, Matt Brock, Bill Marshall, Anthony Ahrens, Linda Williams Recorder: Rieva Lester 2018 prelim budget Revenue: $1,549,400; expenditures: $1,898,900; FTEs: 15 Becky Butler discussed traffic infractions and the decrease Judge Buzzard said the Legislature is making it harder to collect from individuals. Judge Buzzard said unpaid infractions go to Dynamic Collectors in Chehalis. He said the Legislature believes it would be beneficial to have a unified collection system. Judge Buzzard said indigency is an issue for the courts. He said the Legislature has considering making indigency a one-time finding in that if someone was found to be indigent, they would always be considered indigent, regardless of changes to their circumstances. That Legislature also has considered only allowing mandated costs, which the state keeps, to be collected – meaning discretionary costs, which the county would receive, could not be collected. Revenue review Judge Buzzard discussed the amounts Lewis County collects vs. what it actually gets to keep. Expenditure review Judge Buzzard said District Court is fiscally conservative. Hazel Dibble and Judge Buzzard said the county uses a video service for interpreters, which is a cost- saving measure. Judge Buzzard discussed the court sessions held in Morton. Mitch Townsend asked about the punitive fine assessment push at the Legislature. Judge Buzzard discussed punitive fine assessments. Judge Buzzard said District Court hears, among other cases, civil claims not to exceed $100,000, name changes, anti-harassments, small claims, and impound hearings. Becky asked how the reduced traffic fines processed has affected staffing. Hazel said there is no less work. She said there has been an increase due to Point-and-Pay. She said she is hoping to update the services so that Point-and-Pay can field those calls. Judge Buzzard said he was unsure if the reduction was the number of citations or the number of counts on the citation. Judge Buzzard discussed the replacement of the outdated case-management system. Linda Williams noted District Court’s use of iPads for signatures, rather than using paper copies. Judge Buzzard said they’ve floated amnesty programs to allow the full payments of principal, which would clear late fees and collection fees. Meeting ended at 4:37 p.m.