2017-10-03 Prosecutor Update1 Prosecutor’s Update October 3, 2017 2 p.m. Present: Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Jackson, Ross Petersen, Eric Eisenberg, David Fine, Glenn Carter, Jonathan Meyer, Janelle Kambich, Paulette Young, Archie Smith Guest: Sharyn Decker Recorder: Rieva Lester Jonathan Meyer discussed his desire to hire a staffing consultant. He said it would cost roughly $30,000. Jonathan discussed Drug Court, the Mental Health Alternative, etc., and the policies, procedures, and staffing involved. Jonathan discussed his salary, which is tied to that of Superior Court judges. Archie Smith said a resolution is in the works. David Fine discussed the Firey case and claims against Superior Court in general. He said the federal court has indicated the judiciary branch is at the state level, not the county level. He asked why the Risk pool is paying for tort claims. Paulette Young said the Risk pool maintains that when the misconduct comes from the bench, it is a state function, but when it’s an administrative issue, it’s at the county level. Paulette said 25 of the state’s 39 counties are part of the Washington Association of Prosecuting Attorneys (WAPA) Risk pool. Jonathan said he would reach out to the WAPA. David discussed health insurance options the county could entertain. He asked what would happen if the county stopped offering health insurance. He said the county would have to pay a penalty, but it could use its savings to give additional funding to employees and then let the employees find their own insurance. David discussed the county’s is under legal obligation to provide health insurance. Archie Smith discussed RCW 41.04.205 and how it applies to the Public Employee Benefits Board (PEBB). The group discussed Premera’s stance that it will not release the requested information. David discussed the collective bargaining agreement and the need to alert the unions. Archie said he has done so. Commissioner Jackson discussed the notice of intent that was sent to WCIF. Archie discussed the discrepancies between RCW 41.04.205 and WAC 182-08-235. 2 Archie said the insurance problem will be brought to lawmakers’ attention. Eric Eisenberg asked if PEBB has authorization to request the information from Premera. Jonathan recommended contacting the PEBB members, Katy Anne Hatfield and the governor’s office. Jonathan said he would contact Katy Anne Hatfield. Eric discussed a proposed ordinance regarding the Law and Justice Council. He said there were a couple of substantive changes: the Law and Justice Council wants to add a 19th (voting) seat, the county code would be revised to look like the statute, that it would allow for a subcommittee. Archie left at 2:50 p.m. Eric discussed work to change procedures regarding dogs deemed dangerous. He asked if the whole process should be reworked. He asked if there should be some sort of panel to make the determinations. Eric discussed the benefit of having in-agency staff sit as the hearings examiner. Meeting ended at 3:02 p.m.