2017-10-04 Directors UpdateDirectors’ Update October 4, 2017 9:00 a.m. Present: Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, Steve Mansfield, Lee Napier, Tim Fife, Danette York, Paulette Young, Steve Wohld, Becky Butler, Steve Walton, Sheila Gray, and Archi Smith Guests: Susan DeLaire, Justyna Tomtas, William R. Wood, Betty Gibson, and Mr. D. Dalton. Recorder: Candace Hallom Proclamations Steve Wohld discussed the Proclamation regarding cyber security. Notice item Lee Napier discussed a Request for Qualifications for the Two Lewis County airports. Becky Butler discussed the Notice of Public Meeting on Preliminary Budget Deliberation items Steve Walton discussed appointment of CJ Neer to the SWW Fair Commission. Tim Fife discussed an Interlocal agreement with the City of Winlock. Commissioner Jackson made a motion to move one presentations, two Notice items, two Consent items, four Deliberation items and two Hearings to the Monday, Oct. 9, 2017 BOCC agenda. Commissioner Fund seconded the motion. Motion passed 3-0. Roundtable Lee Napier discussed Burn Restriction. The restriction can be lifted Friday for recreational burning. The full restriction will be lifted on the 15th. Paulette Young discussed emergency evacuation page numbers policy. She would like to get the emergency management policy completed by the end of the year. Paulette would like the PDR points of contact for the offices. All PDR’s should go through Casey Mauermann. Paulette discussed the many procedures and policies they are working on. Steve Wohld stated it is the time of year that everyone look at their webpage. IT maintenance scheduled this weekend. Becky thanked all the departments for the Budget meetings and engagements with the process. Steve Walton stated the elevator was not working but is working now. Steve Mansfield this is disaster preparedness month. October 19th is the Statewide Drop Cover and hold drill. Archie Smith stated we are continuing to looking at insurance for 2018. As news develops, we will try to keep you informed. Commissioner Fund stated Friday is the Legislative Round Table at 9:00 am. Commissioner Stamper discussed BOCC Office Staffing. Rachel will now be working half time in the Risk Office. Commissioner Stamper discussed the Twin Cities Senior Center. Archie Smith, Steve Mansfield, Tim Fife, Lee Napier, and Paulette Young left the meeting at 10:15 am. William Woody spoke, he has concerns regarding the senior centers. He asked how the County became owner of the buildings. Glenda recommended the citizens come to the Senior Board meeting on Thursday at 6:00 pm. Meeting ended at 10:45 am