2017-10-09 Meeting with Larry McGee and Anil PuriMeeting with Larry McGee and Anil Puri October 9, 2017 Start Time- 11:15 a.m. Attendees: Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, Larry McGee, Anil Puri Guest: Justyna Tomtas, Larry Sprague (11:20 a.m.) Larry and Anil reiterated they are here as concerned citizens not task force members as the task force is no longer meeting. Larry discussed how the county managers who were interviewed were found to be the most successful working in the background. He continued by outlining points of increasing efficiency with a personal experience through his previous work experience at IBM and glass plants. Larry also added the naming of the position is important but the details of the job description is the most important piece. Anil added input on the financial side. He added numerous large corporations hire people how to manage the financial development of the corporation. Commissioner Fund discussed several unfunded mandates. Commissioner Stamper discussed how the Commissioners still have to handle normal day to day business as well as plan for 2018. Commissioner Fund mentioned she has been accumulating a list of ideas of what she would like a county manager to do as they come to her. Commissioner Jackson left the meeting at 11:40 a.m. Commissioner Fund discussed a potential plan on adding an assessment to parcels to pay for noxious weeds. She added the BOCC is currently looking at what is taking money from the general fund. Larry extended an invitation, explaining if there is anything the BOCC needs help or added input on he and Anil would be more than willing to help. The group discussed timber revenue coming to Lewis County. Justyna asked if the BOCC is still looking at reorganizing within the County to be able to integrate the position. The group discussed problems facing various counties statewide. Rachel Hunt left and Rieva Lester joined the meeting at noon. Justyna asked if the board would make the decision in November. The commissioners said the decision would be made in November and that the resolution would go before the board in December. Justyna then asked what would happen if the board approved a county manager position, such as when that person would start. Commissioner Stamper said the position likely would start in the first quarter. Commissioner Fund extended an invitation for the group to join the commissioners during legislative meeting when the Legislature meets. The meeting ended at 12:06 p.m.