2017-10-10 Community Development MinutesY:\Board Packets\Update Minutes\2017\10 - October (Oct. 2-Nov. 5)\Week of Oct 9\2017-10-10 CD\Agenda 10-10-17 Minutes.docx Agenda for BOCC Update Department: Community Development Date: 10/10/2017 Time: 9:00AM Present: Lee Napier, Graham Gowing and Fred Evander Note Taker: Graham Gowing Updates and Actions: 1. Permit Process and Tracking-Monthly report Graham and Lee presented the monthly permit tracking report. 2017 revenue is still up from 2016. Lee explained permits expire after 6 months. Lee indicated outreach has been occurring about potential fee structure change. Lee has been in contact with a real estate group who said they are willing to help with communicating potential fee changes to the community. 2. Planning Department a. Lewis County Code Changes proposed i. Clustering (Title 16), Duplex, and ADU Standards (Title 17) Fred spoke about clustering and ADUs. Community Development suggests allowing as long as they are safe for the inhabitants. This includes potentially allowing duplexes in rural areas. b. Simple Segregation (Title 16)-current issues 3. Shoreline Master Plan The Shoreline Master Plan (SMP) hearing is Monday, 10/16/17. The SMP is required by the State, but Lewis County is able to make small adjustments to help tailor the plan for local needs. Commissioner Stamper noted he thinks substantial development fees are too high and was wondering if the dollar threshold for substantial development could be raised. Lee indicated the dollar threshold is set by the State. 4. Reschedule next update which conflicts with WSAC conference. Actions to be requested: None.