2017-10-11 BOCC PW Individual Update MinutesLewis County Board of County Commissioners Public Works Update October 11, 2017 Present: Commissioner Bobby Jackson, Commissioner Gary Stamper, Commissioner Edna Fund, Erik Martin, Director; Tim Fife, County Engineer; Matt Matayoshi, Economic Development Council; Lara Seiler, recorder Start 10:32 am ADMINISTRATION Project Advocacy-Matt Matayoshi- Matt Matayoshi discussed the need for a lobbyist and the projects this person would advocate for. This position would cost around $60k for a 2 year contract. The road fund could potentially contribute to this position. Budget- Erik noted he had a good conversation with the Sheriff regarding the diversion and they will both will meet with Arny Davis to discuss the diversion and how it is accounted for in the finance system. Area 7 Supervisor- Larry Bremgartner has been hired as the Area 7 Road Maintenance Supervisor. Recruitments- Jack Niehuser started this past Monday as the new Traffic Engineer. Tim Murphy will start on Monday, October 16 as the new Fleet Manager. Erik noted we will recruit an Assistant County Engineer after HR reviews the job description. TCS I interviews will be held tomorrow and the Traffic Control Supervisor interview will be held on Friday. TRAFFIC ENGINEERING & OPERATIONS WATV- Eric Eisenberg has been working on a WATV ordinance and Erik will review once received. Pleasant Valley Culvert Project- Tim noted the culvert is open and flowing and will leave it gravel in it through the winter and chip seal next year. Lakeside Drive- Lakeside Drive was paved today and water has been released through the pipe. Boistfort Rd- This project was completed last Saturday and there were some modifications to the rock and logs which will protect the road. This project may push the river over a bit. REAL ESTATE PSE Franchise negotiations- Erik said that he and Larry met with PSE recently regarding the Jackson Prairie franchise. Discussion was held regarding PSE’s legal counsel. ENGINEERING/CONSTRUCTION Project Updates Hwy 603- Erik noted that we will move forward on the water line replacement and will contribute 10% of the cost. Commissioner Jackson asked what the last day of the project will be and Erik noted that it will be paved next week. Tim said they need the guardrail up and will then work on punch list items. Once the road is paved the project should be finished in about a month. Hwy Safety Grant Project- This project is complete except for the flashing light at Bishop Rd which needs to be ordered. North Fork Rd- Tim noted there was a project review with all internal parties. They are asking for right of way entry for wetland purposes. Jackson Hwy- Tim noted they had a field trip to the site and the project is larger than they first envisioned. Once the new culvert is in they will look at designing splash pools for fish to go upstream. The access is difficult and there will be an increase in cost. SOLID WASTE Host Fee Agreement- Erik said he still owes a proposal to the City of Centralia and is going to propose the suggested appraisal amount. The city receives 4.75% of the districts tipping fees. For 2017, they will receive approximately $280k. The current agreement expires this year and if both sides cannot reach an agreement an arbitrator may be called in. Yard waste grinding contract- This is a yearly contract and the bid was awarded two weeks ago. Free Residential Voucher Program- This program ended on September 30 but there were difficulties on the last day. The website was down for a few hours and Solid Waste issued a voucher to a citizen that could not get onto the website during that time. Tipping floor cleaning- Erik noted that the tipping floor office has recently been cleaned and this will occur every six months. VADER WATER Reservoir Project- This project is on schedule will get final design after the first of the year. Construction is scheduled for next summer. Rates- Erik and Commissioner Stamper plan to meet with Mayor Smith regarding a rate increase and will also plan to have public meetings. GOOD OF THE ORDER Erik discussed the resolution that will be presented for the Chehalis River Basin FCZD at 1:30. Commissioner Stamper said that Joe Koontz from Olympic Resource will be cutting timber in a few weeks. Commissioner Jackson noted that Robert Kramer called him regarding his property on Rodgers Rd and his flooding concerns. Tim will get with Kevin and go visit the site. Ended 11:27 am