2017-10-17 Prosecutors UpdateProsecutor’s Update October 17, 2017 2:02 p.m. Present: Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, Eric Eisenberg, Glenn Carter, Janelle Kambich, Erik Martin, Jonathan Meyer (2:03 p.m.) Guests: Sharyn Decker, Justyna Tomtas Recorder: Rieva Lester Eric Eisenberg said he has finished a draft for an ATV ordinance but it appears a SEPA analysis will be required. He said the Court of Appeals ruled on an Okanogan case and said that county must assume consumers will use ATVs in an illegal manner to get to the legal roads. He said the court indicated noise and air pollution, threats to endangered species, etc. would have to be addressed. Eric said the case serves as a roadmap for anyone who would want to challenge the county’s potential ordinance. Erik Martin said he has reached out to the Okanogan County engineer. Eric said that though a SEPA challenge doesn’t mean Lewis County could not move forward, it certainly would slow it down. Erik said performing the SEPA work is not as bad as it may sound. Jonathan Meyer discussed allowing ATV use on a limited basis to begin with. Eric said the ordinance could list the roads or it could indicate that Public Works would maintain the list of roads open to ATV use. Erik said the county needs to address what the future “big picture” plan would be. Eric said he would work with Erik on the draft ordinance. Erik Martin left at 2:23 p.m. Jonathan said a family support team member will be leaving. Jonathan said he is not scheduling training for the scanner and will ask for it instead the following year. Glenn Carter said the Hupy v. Lewis County case has been dismissed. Commissioner Fund said citizens in Winlock have asked if they can hold a political forum at the senior center. Eric Eisenberg said the senior center facility may be rented out to groups that can hold political activities. He said county employees in their capacity as county employees cannot rent the facility, the county cannot discriminate based on viewpoints. Sharyn left at 2:31 p.m. Eric said the questions would be: has the county ever let anyone do this before, are there viewpoint neutral rules, would this be allowed for others? Sharyn returned at 2:32 p.m. At 2:36 p.m., Commissioner Stamper announced that the Board was going into Executive Session under RCW 42.30.110(1)(i) for 15 minutes to discuss pending litigation. Executive Session ended at 2:51 p.m. Meeting adjourned 2:54 p.m.