2017-10-17 Risk Management Meeting MinutesRisk Management Update Agenda October 17 1:30 p.m. Attendees: Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, Paulette Young Guests: Sharyn Decker (arrived at 1:40), Justyna Tomas Start Time __1:31 p.m._______ End Time ______1:52 p.m._______ 1. PDR Position Update – Casey and Paulette will be discussing their accomplishments and upcoming policy and training schedule. – Paulette and Casey both briefed the commissioners on what they have been doing and where we stand with getting caught up. 2. New Tort claims – Will discuss at the Pros. Update 3. Update on PDR charging schedule – Paulette let the commissioners know she is working with Eric Eisenberg from the PA’s office to get the information needed to complete the cost analysis. 4. Discussion on contracting with Restorical Research for cost recovery assistance for older insurance policies that may contain coverage for environmental contamination. (Draft Contract Attached) – The commissioners were interested in contracting this service and Paulette will get the ball rolling. 5. Emergency Action Policy – we need to tie up some loose ends. -Commissioner Stamper will meet with the Sheriff and they will discuss how we can work with the City of Chehalis to make sure all buildings are safe and secure when we have to activate the plan. 6. Paulette’s work schedule. – Paulette will be on vacation from 10/20/17 – 10/27/17. She will be back in Washington for sure on 11/28/17 but will most likely be there before due to some depositions that need to be done. 7. Other – no other business was discussed