2017-10-18 Directors UpdateDirectors’ Update October 18, 2017 9:32 a.m. Present: Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, Scott Mattoon, Tawni Shepherd, Paulette Young (by phone), JP Anderson, Erik Martin, Steve Would, Lee Napier, Steve Walton (9:38 a.m.), Archie Smith (9:47 a.m.) Guests: Susan DeLaire, Linda Williams Recorder: Rieva Lester Commissioner Stamper discussed Employee Recognition. Commissioner Stamper discussed a proclamation recognizing October 2017 as Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Scott Mattoon discussed the following resolutions • approving an Interlocal Agreement between Lewis County and the City of Napavine for radio repair and maintenance services. • approving an Interlocal Agreement between Lewis County and the City of Chehalis for radio repair and maintenance services. • approving an Interlocal Agreement between Lewis County and Lewis County Fire District #15 for radio repair and maintenance services. • approving an Interlocal Agreement between Lewis County and Lewis County Fire District #13 for radio repair and maintenance services. Commissioner Stamper discussed a resolution appointment of Paul Donahue as Commissioner to the Lewis County Flood Control District #1. Commissioner Jackson and Becky Butler discussed a resolution approving a contract between the Washington State Military Department and Lewis County for E911 Professional Development funding assistance. Lee Napier discussed a resolution a Memorandum of Understanding for Skookumchuck Wind Energy Facility Proposal. Lee Napier discussed a resolution rescinding Resolutions 09-080 and 08-212 and authorizing a new cash flow loan from current expense for the Chehalis River Basin Flood Control Authority. Lee said the Flood Authority, of which Lewis County is the fiscal agent, has requested another $6,000 be added to its “line of credit” of sorts. She discussed the concerns regarding reimbursement timelines. Archie Smith joined at 9:47 a.m. Commissioner Jackson asked for an update on Kirkland Road in Napavine. Erik Martin discussed a resolution ratifying an Intergovernmental Cooperative Agreement between Lewis County and the United States Geological Service. Commissioner Jackson made a motion to move two Presentations, two Consent items, and nine Deliberation items to the Monday, Oct. 23, BOCC agenda. Commissioner Fund seconded the motion. Motion passed 3-0. Lee discussed progress regarding the VSP project. Erik Martin said he’ll discuss the dam project at the upcoming Rotary meeting. JP Anderson said the immunization clinic opened last week. Paulette Young said she’ll be out of the country until Oct. 30. Becky Butler said she would reach out to directors regarding fiscal changes. Rieva Lester reminded the group to please adhere to agenda and PacketWriter deadlines and to include start and end times on minutes. Commissioner Jackson discussed the day’s upcoming Twin Transit board meeting. Commissioner Fund said she would attend a meeting regarding unfunded mandates later in the day. Commissioner Stamper said Centralia College East would be holding a fundraiser later in the day. The group discussed the state’s ID. Linda Williams discussed her role on the one-tenth of 1 percent ad hoc committee. Susan DeLaire invited the group to the Rivers for a fundraiser later in the day. She discussed her concerns regarding BOCC meetings that are canceled. Meeting adjourned at 10:17 a.m.