2017-10-24 Update with BudgetUpdate with Budget
October 24, 2017
2:33 p.m.
Present: Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, Becky Butler, Steve
Guest: Justyna Tomtas
Recorder: Rieva Lester
Becky Butler discussed the funding amounts for Women, Infants, Children (WIC). Becky said Health and
Social Services continues to eat away at Health’s fund balance.
The commissioners discussed the county’s immunization clinic. The group discussed the pending
retirement in the clinic as well as the potential payout associated with the pending retirement.
Ask Danette where WIC could be housed if it were not under the county’s umbrella.
Becky said Lewis County is eligible to impose the 1 percent increase.
The commissioners agreed to move forward with the 1 percent levy rate increase.
Matt Brock, Bill Marshall, and Anthony Ahrens joined at 2:54 p.m.
Becky said Bill Wamsley is still working on a weed assessment for 2019.
Rieva Lester said she would invite Master Gardener Don Enstrom to the Oct. 30 meeting with WSU.
Danette York joined the meeting at 2:57 p.m.
Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Stamper and Commissioner Jackson left at 2:57 p.m.
Commissioner Fund and Commissioner Jackson returned at 3:02 p.m.
Danette reviewed non-mandated programs, such as WIC, the animal officer, and water testing.
Danette said WIC is a federal program. She said the feds could end the program or make reductions to
make it a stand-alone program. She said the bulk of the cost associated with WIC is interfund rates for
facilities. She said WIC gives clients direct access to other programs that can help them. She said WIC
uses roughly seven or eight FTEs. She said the caseload is 2,430 per month. Danette said extra 2017
funding may be available. She said she just learned that the county can apply for the additional funding.
Danette said the county would risk losing some Medicaid Administrative Claiming month if it walked
away from the immunization clinic. She recommended closing the immunization clinic after the
retirement of that person.
Anthony Ahrens asked Danette whether she believes in vaccinations. She said she does.
Becky asked what would happen if the animal control position was reduced to half time. Danette said
she a half-time employee would still receive full-time benefits. She also said a part-time employee would
not be able to complete all of its duties.
The group discussed having the Prosecutor’s Office review the RCWs regarding animal control.
Danette discussed kennel fees.
Danette said water testing is mandated. If Lewis County didn’t provide the service, residents would have
to go to Lacey or Olympia.
Danette said her fees cover very little.
She said food and on-site sewer systems could be reduced.
The group discussed the need to add solid waste code enforcement rates as an agenda topic for the
commissioners’ next meeting with Public Works.
Danette discussed the proposed budget sent in by Thurston County, which as indicated what it will cost
Lewis County contract with them for a joint NFP team. The Thurston County Public Health and Social
Services Director has a meeting scheduled with her board on Sept. 25 to discuss this proposed budget so
things could change based on how that meeting goes but I wanted you to see the initial proposal.
Meeting ended at 3:55 p.m.