2017-10-25 BOCC PW Individual Update MinutesLewis County Board of County Commissioners Public Works Update October 25, 2017 Present: Commissioner Gary Stamper, Commissioner Edna Fund, Erik Martin, Director; Tim Fife, County Engineer; Derek Pohle, County Road Admin Board; Linda Williams, Suzette Smith, Becky Butler, Arny Davis, Lara Seiler, recorder Start 10:22 am Absent: Commissioner Bobby Jackson ADMINISTRATION Budget-  Traffic Diversion- Erik introduced Derek Pohle from the County Road Administration Board to the Commissioners. Erik described the method for a payment for services and an operating transfer in regards to a traffic diversion. Lara described how the traffic diversion is currently being accounted for. Erik noted he would like to see the money moved to the general fund before it hits the roads fund. Derek said that Lewis County is doing a hybrid of several methods and we need to either do a true diversion, an operating transfer or a payment for services. Derek noted that some counties are doing a direct transfer for services. Becky entered the meeting at 10:37 am Erik noted he is in favor of the statutory diversion but it would take a bit of work up front from the Assessor and Auditor. Derek discussed what the diversion funds can be used for. Erik noted that with the levy shift of $700k that roads is looking at not doing the Cousins Rd Culvert next year which is about $170k. He also noted the countywide safety program of $300K could be reduced but if guardrail were to get hit, Public Works would have to fix it. He also said Public Works will try and absorb the remaining amount or potentially cut a portion the chip seal maintenance program if necessary. Suzette entered the meeting at 10:59 am Arny entered the meeting at 11:02 am Discussion was held with Suzette, Arny and Becky regarding how the diversion was currently being done and the some options to correct the method. Public Works will submit a budget amendment to fix the 2017 budget which will increase property tax in the roads fund and budget an operating transfer out to the general fund. Derek noted that CRAB would like a statement from Public Works describing the current situation and how it will be dealt with in the future. The next budget amendment will be held on December 18th and Public Works will submit an amendment to correct the 2017 traffic diversion. Revenue tax will be increased and an operating transfer out to the general fund will be increased. Public Works will draft a budget resolution for 2018 with the amount of the diversion and noting it will be an operating transfer. Arny left the meeting at 11:45 am Suzette left the meeting at 11:46 am Recruitments- No discussion. TRAFFIC ENGINEERING & OPERATIONS WATV- No discussion. Onalaska School Zone- No discussion. Traffic Control Supervisor- No discussion. MAINTENANCE Chip Seal- No discussion. Open Positions- No discussion. FLEET Striper order- No discussion. New vehicle purchase bid- No discussion. REAL ESTATE PSE Franchise negotiations- No discussion. Jackson Hwy Culvert ROW- No discussion. ENGINEERING/CONSTRUCTION Project Updates Hwy 603- No discussion. Hwy Safety Grant Project- No discussion. North Fork Rd- No discussion. Jackson Hwy- No discussion. SOLID WASTE Host Fee Agreement- No discussion. VADER WATER Reservoir Project- No discussion. Rates- No discussion. GOOD OF THE ORDER No discussion. Ended 11:47 am