2017-10-25 Directors UpdateDirectors’ Update October 25, 2017 9:01 a.m. Present: Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, Lee Napier, Erik Martin, Danette York, Tawni Shepherd, Steve Mansfield, Steve Walton, Becky Butler (9:05 a.m.), Tim Fife (9:40 a.m.) Guests: Susan DeLaire and Linda Williams Recorder: Rieva Lester Erik Martin discussed a Notice of Public Hearing for the proposed 2018 Annual Construction Program (ACP) and Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) for the years 2018-2023. Commissioner Fund discussed a resolution to approve a Collective Bargaining Agreement between Lewis County & Lewis County Corrections Guild for calendar years 2017-2019. Steve Mansfield discussed a resolution to accept a grant with the Washington State Military Department for the 2017-18 Emergency Management Performance Grant. Becky Butler joined at 9:05 a.m. Steve Walton discussed a resolution to approve an Intergovernmental Transfer of Property Agreement with Thurston County for the transfer of Surplus Property. Erik Martin discussed a resolution to ratify a Community Litter Clean-Up Program Agreement between the Wash. State Dept. of Ecology and Lewis County Solid Waste Utility, a Division of Lewis County Department of Public Works. Erik Martin discussed a resolution to accept an offer to purchase surplus property located at 2126 Lincoln Creek Road subject to conditions of LCC 3.30.400. Commissioner Fund made a motion to approve one (1) notice, two (2) consent items and five (5) deliberation items to the Monday, Oct. 30, 2017, BOCC meeting. Commissioner Stamper seconded. Motion passed 2-0. Lee Napier discussed recent meetings with Olympia Master Builders and the Planning Commission. She discussed a call for bids that will be reissued. She said she will not be able to attend WSAC conference, and she said the Shoreline Master Plan has received Ecology’s approval. Danette York said she will be working on fee recommendations. Danette said the NFP contract would need to be approved by year’s end. Susan DeLaire left at 9:30 a.m. Tawni Shepherd urged the group to make sure a PDR contact person has been identified for each office/department. Steve Mansfield said Lewis County Alert went out to 2,900 people who had signed up for the service. Steve said a flood meeting is planned for Nov. 7. Commissioner Fund discussed a recent power outage in Centralia. Steve discussed Lewis County Alert, which can be used by entities that contract with the county to alert citizens. Tim Fife joined the meeting at 9:40 a.m. Becky Butler said budgets are being finalized. Steve Walton discussed a partnership to provide a cold weather shelter at the fairgrounds. He said there will be no cost to the county. Danette discussed recent studies that show that operating temperature- based cold weather shelters. Danette said Health’s Christmas party will be Dec. 7. Commissioner Fund shared memories of Orin Smith’s family and upbringing. Commissioner Stamper discussed the value of Pac Mountain’s programs to give at-risk youth opportunities to improve their futures. Linda Williams and Danette discussed Public Health and Social Service’s ad-hoc committee. Meeting ended at 10:13s a.m.