2017-11-07 Prosecutors UpdateProsecutor’s Update November 7, 2017 2 p.m. Present: Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, Judge Toynbee, Susie Parker, Ross Petersen, Eric Eisenberg, Janelle Kambich, Archie Smith, Steve Walton, Tamara Hayes, Becky Butler, Daleyn Coleman, Glenn Carter, Jonathan Meyer, Paulette Young (by phone), John Justice (by phone), Doug Carey Guest: Justyna Tomtas, Sharyn Decker Recorder: Rieva Lester Jonathan Meyer discussed a Mental Health coordinator position approved by the BOCC. Jonathan and Susie Parker discussed concerns regarding the treatment provider tying funding to its request for control of the position. Commissioner Jackson made a motion to fund the Mental Health coordinator position through one- tenth of 1 percent unless funding is available through BHO. Commissioner Fund seconded. Motion passed 2-0. At 2:06 p.m., Commissioner Fund announced that the Board was going into Executive Session under RCW 42.30.110(1)(i) for 15 minutes to discuss pending litigation. At 2:21 p.m., the Board extended Executive Session for 15 minutes. At 2:36 p.m., the regular meeting resumed with Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, Paulette Young, Archie Smith, Ross Petersen, Janelle Kambich, Eric Eisenberg, Glenn Carter, Jonathan Meyer, Daleyn Coleman, Steve Walton, Tamara Hayes, Sharyn Decker, and Justyna Tomtas in attendance. Jonathan weighed in on previous discussions regarding the potential move of Family Support. Jonathan discussed a bill the PA’s Office was sent regarding publication of a legal notice for an ordinance involving the Law and Justice Council. He and Eric expressed concerns regarding the PA’s Office being billed for legal notices when it isn’t necessarily the originating office, rather it has been asked to work on ordinances on behalf of other offices or departments. Jonathan discussed the funding source for Ross Petersen’s position. He said the position is being paid out of Risk and that he needs to know how to bill for it. Paulette and Becky said they would look into it. Jonathan discussed the fees Vader pays. He said those fees may not be able to go back to the general fund unless they’re worked in as a reimbursement. Jonathan said Men’s Warehouse sent six ties and six 40 percent off coupons. Jonathan discussed his budget. He said he wants to request bids for the janitorial work currently performed by Facilities. He said he would like the county to look at hiring outside services rather than using county staff. Steve Walton said Facilities is addressing Jonathan’s concerns regarding the level of service. Jonathan said Nicole Quick, who has been with the county for roughly seven months, is leaving for private practice. Janelle Kambich said the payout for Nicole’s position will be roughly $4,000 to $6,000. Tamara Hayes left at 2:49 p.m. Jonathan said he has been working with Candy Hallom regarding the Board of Equalization. Jonathan said he would like to keep the cold case investigators. Tamara returned at 2:50 p.m. Jonathan discussed progress that has been made regarding the LEOFF board. Jonathan said the positions were absorbed in his 2017 budget, but Becky Butler said it would be an additional $27,000 to continue the cold case detectives for 2018. Eric Eisenberg discussed the legal aid building rental. Archie, Daleyn, and Commissioner Jackson left at 2:56 p.m. Commissioner Jackson returned at 3 p.m. Eric expressed concerns regarding potential plans to move Family Support. Jonathan said the board could “gift” the rent because Family Support helps only the poor and the infirm. Janelle discussed the FBI requirements that could prohibit plans for a shared space. Ross Petersen discussed concerns regarding the cold weather shelter at the fairgrounds. Tamara said Chief Mack has been out and has inspected the building. Meeting ended at 3:12 p.m.