2017-11-14 Central Services UpdateCentral Services Update November 14, 2017 2:30 p.m. Present: Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund (by phone), Commissioner Jackson, Steve Walton, Tamara Hayes, Doug Carey, Danette York (by phone) Guests: Linda Tomasheck, CJ Neer, Justyna Tomtas Recorder: Rieva Lester Steve Walton gave the following updates: Fiscal Fiscal layoff notice has been given. Cross-training taking place. Facilities Lease agreements for the senior buildings are being finalized. LMTAAA has indicated having the resolution done Monday will be fine. Other agreement must be done by Jan. 1. Faulty fire alarm systems being replaced. Fair Cold weather shelter is going smoothly. Digital Marketing position has been posted. Hope to have it filled by the first of the year. Training sessions taking place. Tamara Hayes gave an overview of the 2017 fair. She said a transfer $136,000 is needed. She offered potential steps to avoid future fund transfers, such as increased fair ticket fees, increased entry fees, requesting reductions in utilities, increase rental fees, etc. Steve discussed the cost of water at the fair. He said the city of Centralia is aware and performed leak testing. Tamara said she’d like to ask Centralia if it would be possible to move out of the UGA and instead under the city regarding water. Doug Carey said sewer leak detection also has taken place. Commissioner Fund said talks were initiated with Lee Coumbs. She asked to have a meeting set up to further discuss the topic. Tamara said the Fair Board would begin discussions in December regarding Tamara said expenses were $1.1 million for 2016 and $1.2 million for 2017. Steve said new expenses in 2017 were a new ticketing system and a Showorks ribbon system. Steve said Garlic Fest made $30,000. Commissioner Stamper asked Tamara to list expenses faced in 2017 that won’t take place in 2018. Tamara said the objective is a balanced budget. She said every year, however, the Fair ends up coming to the board to ask for additional funding. Steve said his plea would be to have the BOCC provide the full budget rather than approve a reduced budget followed by after-the-fact requests for increase. Tamara discussed efforts to secure sponsorships. She said the fair secured $23,000 in sponsorships for 2017. Tamara said the presale went well. She said the new holiday pack will be sold online beginning Nov. 23. Tamara and Steve said the hope is to have the Fair budgeted at what it actually costs rather than have to return and ask for Linda Tomasheck said she and CJ Neer fully support Tamara’s efforts and have been impressed with her work. Commissioner Jackson made a motion to “frontload” the Fair’s 2018 budget with $225,000 in funding and to approve an additional $136,000 in funding for 2017. Commissioner Stamper seconded. Motion passed 3-0. Meeting ended at 3:27 p.m.