2017-11-20 Mental Health Tax Meeting1 Mental Health Tax Meeting November 20, 2017 11:09 a.m. Present: Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, Danette York, Katie Strozyk Guests: Justyna Tomtas, Linda Williams Recorder: Rieva Lester Katie Strozyk and Danette York said some of the applicants may be able to tweak their programs and then request for Medicaid reimbursements. Katie said the BHO reviewed the applications to see if there were any the BHO could fund. There were none. Danette gave an overview of the applications received and the ad-hoc committee’s recommendations. Linda Williams voiced concerns regarding the ad-hoc committee’s recommendations. She said two of the applicants – Cascade Mental Health and HRC – submitted incomplete applications because they did not answer one of the required questions. She said the two did not give strategic goals. Danette said this is the third time a Request for Proposals (RFP) has been sent out. Danette said past direction was to help the applicants with their submissions. She discussed Cascade’s application. The group discussed the ad-hoc committee’s funding recommendations, which included the following: The group further discussed Cascade Mental Health Care’s application in relation to the area schools. Danette said it’s up to the ad-hoc committee to make recommendations to the board and then for the board to determine what the county needs. Linda discussed Northwest Peds’ application and her belief that Northwest Peds should have been awarded funding. Danette said Cascade’s focus is early intervention. AGENCY PROGRAM RECOMMENDED FUNDING YEAR 1 YEAR 2 TOTAL Cascade Mental Health Care Early intervention in elementary schools 46,875 0 46,875 Centralia College Parenting classes 20,000 20,000 40,000 ESD 113 – True North System of care navigators (youth) 90,209 90,209 180,418 NW Pediatrics Integrated behavioral health services 25,000 25,000 50,000 Reliable Enterprises Magnolia Place & case management 73,902 73,902 147,804 TOTAL 255,986 209,111 465,097 2 Commissioner Stamper discussed True North’s efforts regarding early intervention. Danette reviewed the administrative duties associated with the Mental Health Tax funding. She said the participants are reimbursed after the fact. The group further discussed Cascade Mental Health’s application, which was viewed as sloppy. Commissioner Stamper said he would suggest supporting it for only six months more. The commissioners discussed the harm cutting the funding now would cause for the schoolchildren the work supports. Commissioner Jackson made a motion to approve one-tenth of 1 percent funding as recommended by the ad-hoc committee. Commissioner Fund seconded the motion. Commissioner Fund said she wants to make sure the BHO and Cascade discuss future funding possibilities. Danette said one Washington county’s BHO pays for counselors in its area schools. Motion passed 3-0. Meeting ended at 12:07 p.m.