2017-11-21 Coroner UpdateCoroner Update November 21, 2017 10:03 a.m. Present: Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, Coroner Warren McLeod Guest: Natalie Johnson, Sharyn Decker Recorder: Rieva Lester Warren McLeod gave the following updates: Budget: Five indigent cremations to take place by the end of the year. Will cost $500 apiece. May have to ask for additional funds. Statistics: 2 homicides, 21 suicides (the highest since his arrival in 2011), 17 accidentals, 8 undetermined, 9 pending, 4 department assists, 1 agency assist, 4 public assists. Accreditation: Two-person audit team visited Nov. 20. Audit team is recommending accreditation. Warren said the costs were less because the accreditation team also visited Cowlitz County. Pathologist contact: One of the pathologists is leaving at the end of December, and the other plans to retire. The remaining pathologist said he would honor his $88,000 contract. However, a fee-for-service backup plan may be needed to cover for when he is unavailable due to vacations, etc. He said there are only 400 board-certified pathologists in the country. Other: Annual report for 2016 has been completed. Meeting ended at 10:21 a.m.