2017-11-28 Meeting with Steve MansfieldMeeting with Steve Mansfield November 28, 2017 10 a.m. Present: Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, Steve Mansfield, Arny Davis (10:44) Guest: Natalie Johnson Recorder: Rachel Hunt Commissioner Fund called the meeting to order. Steve began by saying some of the topics will need ongoing conversations. He gave an update on staffing level in the dispatch center. Steve briefly discussed the background process for hiring in the dispatch center. He also mentioned they will be evaluating the testing process currently being used. Steve discussed current labor negotiations. Steve discussed how they are currently honoring most of the points of the past contract from 2015 as they are moving forward to a new contract. The interlocal agreement with the user group was discussed. Steve mentioned the ideal implementation date is January 1 2018. He reiterated the user group is not viewed as customers but partners with him and how they want to proceed. Steve outlined items in the ILA that he considers to be unfunded services that fall back to the County to pay. He continued by adding there needs to updates to previous studies done on the dispatch center. The group discussed dashed addresses (123-A) coming into the dispatch center. The group discussed public safety tax measures. Steve discussed relations with the user group in regards to the ILA. Emergency Management Steve discussed his personnel level within the department. The group discussed the possibility of flooding in the coming months. Steve gave an update on the Emergency Management Planning Grant. He said Jill is currently trying to get further updates from the state. Arny Davis joined the meeting at 10:44 a.m. Meeting ended at 10:45 a.m.