2017-11-28 Update with IT 11/28/17 IT Director’s Monthly Update – Wohld, Commissioners Fund and Jackson present. BEGIN: 1:30 pm • DLC Discussion Wohld gave an update on the current overall progress, the transition process and the candidate search so far. Wohld discussed the recent advertising in the Borst Park Lights. • Technology Services Wohld discussed the increased cyber security threats and the need to be vigilant and possibly figure out how to hire a security analyst in the future. Wohld mentioned possibilities like cutting other IT Services to fund the position, or increase rates. Wohld said he’d present options if it came to this in the future. Wohld explained the resent threats and impact to service. • Spillman Services No discussion. • Development Services No discussion. • Other Fund asked Wohld to provide a progress update and details on the DLC budget cuts for an upcoming evening meeting. END: 2:25 pm