2017-11-29 Directors UpdateDirectors’ Update November 29, 2017 9:05 a.m. Present: Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, Lee Napier, Erik Martin, Danette York, Paulette Young, Steve Wohld, Becky Butler, Steve Walton, Archie Smith Guests: Susan DeLaire, Justyna Tomtas Recorder: Rieva Lester NOTICE ITEM Becky Butler discussed a Notice of Hearing for the 4th 2017 Budget Amendment for Current Expense and Other Funds. DELIBERATION ITEMS Archie Smith discussed a resolution to set medical rates to be paid by Lewis County for non-union employees beginning Jan. 1, 2018. Archie Smith discussed a resolution to set medical rates to be paid by Lewis County for AFSCME represented employees beginning Jan. 1, 2018. Commissioner Fund discussed a resolution to approve an Agreement between Lewis County and Washington State Office of Public Defense for Public Defense Improvement Funds. Lee Napier discussed a resolution adopting a Categorized Schedule of Fees effective Jan. 1, 2018. Erik Martin discussed a resolution approving Erik Martin, Public Works Director, as Applicant Agent and Robin Saline, Administrative Assistant/Grants Administrator, as the Alternate Applicant Agent/Contact for open, federally declared disasters and any future disasters that may occur between Dec. 1, 2017, and Dec. 31, 2018. HEARINGS Lee Napier discussed a public hearing to consider proposed Ordinance 1283, cluster subdivisions, duplexes and accessory dwelling units (ADUs). Becky Butler discussed a public hearing establishing the Property Tax budget and Levy for both Current Expense and Road Fund for 2018. Becky Butler discussed a public hearing to adopt the 2018 Budget. Commissioner Jackson made a motion to move one (1) Notice, two (2) Consent items, five (5) Deliberation items, and three (3) Hearings to the Monday, Dec. 4, BOCC agenda. Commissioner Fund seconded the motion. Motion passed 3-0. LATE ADD: Archie Smith discussed a salary adjustment for non-represented employees beginning Jan. 1, 2018. Roundtable Lee Napier discussed her interaction with the County Administrators group, which she met at WSAC. Lee also discussed the asphalt award for the Packwood Airport. Danette York left at 9:36 a.m. Erik Martin gave an update on the Borst Avenue revamp. He said work should get underway in 2019. Erik said the county is taking the lead on the project. Danette York returned at 9:39 a.m. Danette discussed her department’s Christmas party and said an open house for the new Health building is in the works. Paulette Young gave an overview of her calendar. She said she is working on a stolen goods policy and a PDR policy. Susan DeLaire left at 9:44 a.m. Paulette further discussed the PDR policy she is working on. Steve Wohld said there were 12 or so direct attacks on systems the previous week. He gave an update on cybersecurity. Becky Butler warned of a possible federal government shutdown. She urged the group to watch year- end budgets. She said the Auditor’s Office will not pay anything that exceeds appropriations. Steve Walton invited the group to check out the online fair special. Rieva Lester said the tree-decorating ceremony is set for Tuesday. Meeting ended at 10:11 a.m.