2017-12-05 Prosecutors UpdateProsecutor’s Update December 5, 2017 2 p.m. Present: Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Stamper, Ross Petersen, Eric Eisenberg, Janelle Kambich, Archie Smith, Daleyn Coleman, Glenn Carter, Jonathan Meyer, Paulette Young, David Fine Guest: Justyna Tomtas, Sharyn Decker Recorder: Candace Hallom Jonathan: • Opioid Litigation- Jonathan asked the Board if they would like him to looking into the Opioid Litigation. The Board felt it was important. • Ballot Boxes- Jonathan discussed what is going on in other Counties and statewide • Office Process Review- The Prosecutor’s office is looking at an office process review. There will be a cost. He is currently getting bids. Glenn: • Hupy v. Lewis County- Hupy had the right to file for reconsideration by Monday but Glenn has not received anything. • Cortland v. Lewis County, Re: Law Library - The judge found the law library board is not a public agency. Cortland can file an appeal. David: • OPMA exemption: David stated that Jonathan addressed this issues at a previous meeting. • Collective Bargaining Agreements- David discussed a PERC decision that says the BOCC cannot seek legal advice regarding a union issue without notifying the unions prior. Eric: • In Re. Arnold- This is a case in Spokane that is going to the Supreme Court. It is similar to Lewis County case In Re. Barts, Eric explained the In Re. Bart case. Eric has concerns that the Arnold case would affect the outcome of the Bart case so he has requested to participate in the case. The person who represents Mr. Arnold objected and asked that the court strike Eric’s brief. The courts is allowing his brief and it will be a couple years before the case is final. At 2:22 p.m., Commissioner Stamper announced that the Board was going into Executive Session under RCW 42.30.110(1)(i) for 20 minutes to discuss pending litigation. At 2:42 p.m., the Board extended Executive Session for 5 minutes. Executive Session ended at 2:47 p.m. No decision made Meeting ended at 2:48 p.m.