2017-12-05 Risk Management Meeting MinutesRisk Management Update Agenda December 5, 2017 Attendees: Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Fund, Paulette Young, Casey Mauermann, Eric Eisenberg, Ross Peterson Start Time _ _3:00 p.m._______ End Time ____3:30 p.m.________ 1. Tort Claim Discussions a. Debrorah Dolin – Claims paint damage from striping crew - $932.03 – Paulette will get more information about this claim. No decisions were made b. Louis McCollum – Claims mailbox damage - $317.41 –Paulette will talk with supervisor and gather more information. No decisions were made c. Sarah Rockey- Claims paint damage from striping crew $ $1,150.38 – BOCC voted to deny this claim as the vehicle doesn’t belong to Ms. Rockey 2. Public Disclosure Policy and Fee Schedule Discussion – Paulette to provide new policy. Hopeful dates are to have a notice of hearing on Dec. 18th. This will depend on when an appropriate draft can be completed. 3. Public Disclosure Department Update – Casey updated the BOCC on the current amount of open requests 4. Workers’ Comp Update – Not done because Tawni wasn’t available for the meeting 5. Paulette’s work schedule Update – Paulette will be back in Jan, probably sometime after the 15th. 6. Other – No other business was discussed.