2017-12-04 Update with Health BOCC Update Minutes December 4, 2017 Start Time: 2:05 pm End Time: 3:00 pm Present: Commissioner Fund Danette York Commissioner Stamper Bill Teitzel Commissioner Jackson JP Anderson Recorder: Sandi Andrus BUDGET No Discussion NEW ISSUES • Updated List of Code Enforcement Cases (handout) – Bill Teitzel Discussion: The following items were discussed: o #1 – Lewis County Property – W. Reynolds, Centralia – Bill will be meeting with Steve Skinner tomorrow to start detailing plans to remove solid waste. They will determine what they want removed, start the process for asbestos survey and abatement, and the most cost effective way to proceed. They may be able to recycle the cardboard. Bill will also check on when they will be able to remove these items. The obscuring fence has been replaced but may have some graffiti on it. o #2 – Joel Properties (Mayfield RV Park) – 2914 US Hwy 12, Silver Creek – Community Development and the Prosecuting Attorney’s Office (PAO) are looking at several different angles to determine whether this is an RV or Mobile Home park. Bill drafted a letter to send which Lee Napier is reviewing. It is possible this facility was used many years ago during construction of the dam. Staff is checking on resolutions to see what was allowed at the time of construction. o #3 – Ethel Event Center – 1457 US Hwy 12, Ethel – A meeting is scheduled this week. o #4 – Peterson Estates, 144 Skylark Lane, Toledo - Nothing new. Neither Bill nor the State have heard back from the engineer. Plans have not yet been submitted. o #5 – Hamilton, Shawn ‘The Orchard at Sunshine Hill’ 2178 S. Scheuber Rd., Chehalis – Bill received concerns about an event center here. Mr. Hamilton came in and spoke to Bill. The owner had the building permitted but the permit never received a final inspection. Shawn has committed to finish it and go through proper permitting. o #6 – Leigh, Patrick, 1608 North Fork Rd., Chehalis – There is sediment running down the property and across a culvert. Mr. Leigh is not being very cooperative. o #7 – Graham, Jerry – 285 Kirkland Rd., Chehalis – Bill received a complaint about this. Mr. Graham has a lot of fill going onto the property but his approved fill/grade permit is for a very small amount compared to what may have been hauled in. • Country n’ Lace – Bill was asked about the property owned by Luke Askins and he gave an update. • Bolender, Mark – Bill reported that Mr. Bolender does not want to have to get a water supply and does not have an approved septic system. • New Code Enforcement cases for 2017 – Bill Bill provided three documents, one for each district, of the new 2017 cases. Bill explained that when he issues infractions, he has tried everything else first. Also, when he has to go to court, he often has to bring in witnesses or experts to testify. • Public Health & Social Services Advisory Board Applicant Cristi Heitschmidt – Danette Discussion: Cristi was recently appointed by the BOCC to the Public Health & Social Services board. Cristi is a representative but has some significant health issues and is unable to commit to dates and times. She would like to remain a member but be allowed to send a representative when she is unable to attend. Danette is OK with that arrangement and would not have to change the board memberships. Commissioners agreed. Decision: Danette will check with Cristi to see how she is doing and if this is still what she wants to do. • Homeless Connect event – JP Anderson Discussion: The next Homeless Connect will be January 25, 2018 at the fairgrounds. Michaelle is working with Tamara on the contract. We are heavily involved in this event but we are not the agency hosting it. Affordable Housing Network committee is the host for this event. The committee would like Narcan to be offered at the event and the Tacoma Aids Project will be there to make it available, educate people about it, and provide other services. A homeless person who is an opioid user, would be able to get Narcan (naloxone) kit to use in case they come across someone who is overdosing. Funding for this outreach comes from a grant administered by University of Washington. A discussion was held about how Narcan works. • Document Recording Fee Grant Update – JP Anderson Discussion: The ad hoc committee received the proposals for this grant and met today. The current fund balance is approximately $800,000 with an estimate revenue amount of close to $400,000 each year. The plan is to use $235,000 this year (2018) on this grant. Total proposals received is around $600,000. Funds come from Document Recording fees. The committee reviewed and revised the RFP this year to be a similar format as the .1 of 1%. Michaelle Sorlie is the facilitator for this committee. After reviewing all proposals, they will bring recommendations to the BOCC. There could also be a special project using some of these funds but will wait to see how the grant funding goes. BOH ISSUES Review Board of Health agenda for December 11, 2017 o H. Res #121117.1 – Amendment #15 to the Consolidated Contract, #C17116 between Lewis County and WA State Department of Health (DOH). Last one for the year. New 3-year contract coming in 2018. o H. Res #121117.2 – Approve Contract between Lewis County and Thurston County for Nurse Family Partnership (NFP) Services for 2018. Thurston BOH will have a special meeting this Wednesday to review originals and then send to Lewis County for BOH approval. o Lewis County is also working with Thurston County for Dr. Wood’s contract for 2018. May need to extend one quarter while waiting for the new contract to be available. GOOD OF THE ORDER • Foundational Public Health – Danette Discussion: JP and Danette will work over the next month to complete a Foundational Public Health Assessment to show what it really costs to provide Foundational Public Health services. • Meeting with Gerald Lord – Danette Discussion: Danette met with Mr. Lord and gave him the food cost analysis which she also emailed to the Commissioners. Gerald gave it to his accountant to look over and will send any questions they have. • Animal Shelter Technician needing surgery this month – Danette Discussion: Employee will need a casual person to fill in on Saturdays until she can return. This should not be a budget impact. • Annual Staff Meeting – Danette Discussion: The Public Health & Social Services department will be closed from noon to 5:00, Thursday, December 7. The annual staff meeting will begin at 1:00 at the Twin Cities Senior Center. Danette invited the Commissioners to attend. • Skookumchuck Project - JP Discussion: FYI. JP met with people from this project.