2017-12-11 Meeting to discuss Timberline response1 Meeting to discuss Timberline response December 11, 2017 10:51 a.m. Present: Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, Tim Fife, Doyle Sanford, Glenn Carter, Ann Weckback, Erik Martin, Steve Mansfield, Lee Napier Guests: Susan DeLaire, Justyna Tomtas Recorder: Rieva Lester Erik Martin said there is a situation at the end of Coal Creek Drive, where a flood washed out a cul-de- sac. He said the river has eroded the bank along properties there and that things have gotten worse. He said one landowner has lost 15 to 20 feet of property and the deck of another property is threatened. Glenn Carter provided background, including information regarding a High Valley Eight lawsuit that the county settled in the 2000s. He said the county indicated in the settlement that the county was not responsible for all of the levies and revetments in the area. Erik discussed the following items, for which the Timberline property owners requested action: More barriers and better warnings: Erik said barricades have been installed. He said a sign to warn pedestrians also is being installed. 170 Coal Creek, which has a deck post that is threatened: Lee Napier said the large deck is significantly close to the river bank. The property is without water because the water meter has been moved. She said her advice would be to demolish the deck and possible relocate the home. 165 Coal Creek, which is threatened: Lee said options include demolishing or moving the structure. She said permits could be expedited. Water system: Erik said Thurston County PUD is moving meters, etc. Public meeting: Erik asked if the board would like to hold an evening public meeting. The commissioners said they would. Commissioner Stamper said the Cowlitz River Flood Control District should spearhead the efforts. Erik suggested the board also may want to discuss Roads projects. He also said Emergency Management also should be invited. Susan DeLaire left at 11:16 a.m. The group discussed setting up a meeting and outlining the structure for the meeting. The commissioners discussed Dec. 16, 18, 19, and 21 as possibilities. Erik Martin said the meeting would take place east of Packwood, on Barefoot Road. 2 High Valley Country Club: Erik said a new channel has scoured Mountain View Drive. He said the group feels Fish and Wildlife would grant a permit for their project. Erik said there is a difference of opinion on who has jurisdiction regarding the Corps of Engineers. Erik said the group also wants to know the status of the FEMA funds. He said another request centers around property taxes. Steve Mansfield said the letter also was sent to the state, which may reach out to the county. The group discussed issuing a special meeting notice as both the Cowlitz River Flood Control Zone District and the county commissioners. Meeting ended at 11:38 a.m.