2017-12-12 Update with Community Development MinutesY:\Board Packets\Update Minutes\2017\12 - December (Dec. 4-31)\Week of Dec 11\2017-12-12 CD\Agenda 12-12-17 Minutes.docx Agenda for BOCC Update Department: Community Development Date: 12/12/2017 Time: 9:00AM Present: Lee Napier, Graham Gowing, Erik Martin (arrive 9:04, leave 9:59), Commissioner Fund (left at 9:10, arrived back 9:23), Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Stamper (arrive 9:05) Note Taker: Graham Gowing Updates and Actions: 1. Permit Center a. Monthly report Graham presented the Commissioners the permit tracker as of Nov. 30th. Permit revenue and permits approved and issued are up from 2016. Both have already exceeded year-to-date totals for 2016. b. Adept Update Lee and Graham informed the Commissioners due to Adept needing to be updated for 2018 changes, it was suggested the permit center close to initializing and issuing permits all day on Dec. 29th in order to be able to process permits at the beginning of the business day on Jan. 2nd. Commissioner Stamper expressed concern about potential customer impact. Notice will be posted for customers’ information. The Commissioners granted permission for the department to determine the proper closing time for end of the year Adept updates. 2. Planning Division a. Planning Commission Lee informed the BOCC the Planning Commission is in need of a new member due to a resignation. One will be selected and offered in the near future. 3. Interlocal Agreements Lee spoke about a few of the different ILAs. Morton – Lee will be working with the PA Office to update the agreement and will present to the BOCC. Chehalis – Lee presented a preliminary, working draft of an ILA. The ILA covers a multitude of service and discussion topics. BOCC would like to move forward with presenting a draft. Lee will schedule a meeting with Chehalis officials. Thurston County – The developer has changed the scope for the Skookumchuck Wind Energy Project, which in result, will change the ILA between Lewis and Thurston Counties. Lee is working with the PA about the ILA and will work with developer about potential costs. 4. Flood Authority Contracts Y:\Board Packets\Update Minutes\2017\12 - December (Dec. 4-31)\Week of Dec 11\2017-12-12 CD\Agenda 12-12-17 Minutes.docx Lee will be updating the contracts for FA consultants/contractors in 2018. 5. South Lewis County Airport Because of time constraints, this topic was not addressed. It was tabled for another day. Topics for next update currently scheduled for January 9 Actions to be requested: Input only as to the topics outlined above