2017-12-13 BOCC PW Individual Update MinutesLewis County Board of County Commissioners Public Works Update December 13, 2017 Present: Commissioner Bobby Jackson, Commissioner Gary Stamper, Commissioner Edna Fund, Erik Martin, Director; Tim Fife, County Engineer; Lara Seiler, recorder Start 10:46 am ADMINISTRATION Budget- Discussion was held regarding the cash flow loan for roads and the revenue the fund anticipates to receive for 2017 and 2018. Traffic Diversion- There will be a meeting held with the Sheriff and Public works on Monday after board meeting to discuss the traffic diversion MOU. Further discussion was held regarding the MOU Public Works would like put in place with the Sheriff. It was noted that the agreement discusses the services the Sheriff will provide and will also outline the process for payment. It was also noted the agreement is not binding. Erik and Tim will meet with the Sheriff Monday and let the board know the progress of discussions. Real Estate Work for other Depts.- Larry will start keeping track of the hours his department does for other county departments. Erik plans to discuss this at the next ESC meeting. TRAFFIC ENGINEERING & OPERATIONS Borst Ave Pedestrian Safety Project- Erik noted there is a meeting this Friday with SCJ and the City of Centralia to discuss the scope of work on the Borst Ave project. The design phase should start after the first of the year. North Lewis County Industrial Access- Discussion was held regarding the recent meeting that was held with the Steering Committee. Erik noted that Jack Niehuser is helping with this project. MAINTENANCE Interlocal Work- No discussion. Coal Creek Dr- Discussion was held regarding the public meeting that will take place this Saturday in Packwood. The agenda for the meeting was also reviewed. FLEET Striper order- No discussion. New vehicle purchase bid- No discussion. REAL ESTATE PSE Franchise negotiations- No discussion. North Fork- No discussion. Lincoln Creek Property Sale- The citizen that would like to purchase the Lincoln Creek Property tried to make a down payment which the county cannot do. Further discussion was held. ENGINEERING/CONSTRUCTION Project Updates Hwy 603- No discussion. Hwy Safety Grant Project- No discussion. North Fork Rd- Tim noted that Mr. Craiggen is now having discussions with the county regarding the .4 acres of his property the county would need to acquire for right of way. SOLID WASTE Host Fee Agreement- No discussion. VADER WATER Reservoir Project- No discussion. Rates- Erik, Betsy and Commissioner Stamper will be going to the Vader City Council meeting on Thursday evening to discuss the fee increases. GOOD OF THE ORDER Tim discussed the local bridge awards in the amount of 2.2 million to include the Pleasant Valley scour, Stowell Rd scour and Townsend Rd scour. These projects will be bid out. Meeting ended 11:42 am