2020-02-10 Quarterly Roads updateQuarterly Roads update February 10, 2020 2:53 p.m. Present: Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, Becky Butler, Josh Metcalf, Tim Fife Guests: Frank Corbin, Dr. Lindsey Pollock Recorder: Rieva Lester Tim Fife discussed the allocation of STP funds. He said the advisory committee will present a possible allocation change to the TSC. Tim discussed an idea being floated that would allow small cities and the small town to pool their monetary resources so they can tackle a big project every few years. Tim discussed a shortage of roads funding. He noted that some counties are going back to gravel on certain roads because they can’t afford the needed upkeep. The group discussed bills before the state Legislature. Tim said Public Works is submitting applications for additional fish culvert replacement funding. The group discussed flooding that has taken place at the Port of Centralia. Tim and Josh Metcalf noted that an emergency road closure had been issued for Tucker Road. They said Borst Avenue will be paved Feb. 11. Tim discussed the planned replacement of a culvert on Cousins Road. He said the county is nearing an agreement for work on Snyder Road. Tim said it looks like the recent flood event will qualify as a FEMA event and that Lewis County may qualify for funding due to area slides. Tim said the county ideally should have $4 million for Roads annually, including $1 million in reserves. The group continued discussing fish passages. Commissioner Jackson left at 3:38 p.m. and returned at 3:40 p.m. Tim said the consultant is supposed to have Mickelsen contracts to bid by month’s end. Tim and Josh said the $750,000 earmarked for the Mickelsen project still has not been released. They said the funding remains on hold. Josh said an agreement with WSDOT Local Programs is still needed. Josh said the Packwood feasibility study is in the works. Meeting ended at 3:52 p.m.