2020-02-04 PA UpdatePA Update February 4, 2020 2:01 p.m. Present: Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, County Manager Erik Martin, Daleyn Coleman, Steve Walton, Jonathan Meyer, Eric Eisenberg, Cullen Gatten, Kevin McDowell, Janelle Kambich, Natalie Dunlap, Becky Butler, Steve Wohld (2:08 p.m.), Amber Smith (2:22 p.m.) Guests: Frank Corbin, Dr. Lindsey Pollock Recorder: Rieva Lester Jonathan Meyer announced that the Court of Appeals has overturned the decision on the Law Library case. Jonathan said he has provided his proposed salary grid. He discussed staffing, including two attorney vacancies for which he has not received any applications. And he discussed workloads, noting that workloads have increased. Steve Wohld joined at 2:08 p.m. The commissioners directed staff to add salary grid to the agenda for the March ESC meeting. Jonathan floated an idea to create a 501c(3) to offer scholarships for the children and grandchildren of county employees. Jonathan discussed the need to address recruitment and retention problems, noting that those have an effect on public safety. Eric Eisenberg said there are three or four quasi-judicial decisions that will come before the board, such as an application to rezone and area from rural lands to mining lands. He noted that the commissioners cannot discuss those topics with the public as that would be an ex parte communication. He suggested urging the public to submit a letter for the record. Amber Smith joined at 2:22 p.m. Eric said he would provide a list of the topics and would include a one-page how-to guide. Amber Smith said the State Auditor’s Office (SAO) has contacted the Toledo Cemetery district it had deemed un-auditable. Jonathan said the next hearing regarding Destination Packwood is an omnibus hearing set for Feb. 13. At 2:29 p.m., Commissioner Stamper announced that the Board was going into Executive Session under RCW 42.30.110(1)(i) for 8 minutes to discuss pending and / or potential litigation relating to Hampton Lumber and O’Connor v. Lewis County. Executive Session ended at 2:37 p.m. Commissioner Stamper noted that no decisions had been made. Meeting ended at 2:38 p.m.