BOCC_Weed_update_February_2020 minutesLewis County Board of County Commissioners UPDATE Weed Control Board Program Date: February 18, 2020 Agenda Start Time: 10:30 AM Commissioners present: Edna Fund, Gary Stamper, Bobby Jackson Others: Gary Fredricks, Mellisa Davis (Lewis Co. – WSU Ext.) Topics Actions Weed Board Member Appointments, Discussed process and status of pending appointment of Vic Khvoroff and Nancy Toenyan to the Weed Board. Pending BOCC Resolution State Legislation – Noxious Weed, Senate & House Bills (SB 6401, HB 2697), Informational Other program updates: Discussed value/benefit that noxious weed programs provide to citizens and landowners. Informational Education programs: Lewis County Invasive Weed & Pest Workshop March 26, 2020, Informational Valley Ag. Grower Mtg. March 18, 2020 Adna Garden Club, Home & Sportsman Show, Friends of Seminary Hill Natural Area, February programs. Handouts: Lewis County Invasive Weed & Pest Workshop flyer Prepared by: Bill Wamsley