2020-02-25 911 Infrastructure Meeting911 Infrastructure study meeting February 25, 2020 9:04 a.m. Present: Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, County Manager Erik Martin, Steve Mansfield, Scott Mattoon Guests: Colton Dodgson, Tom Crowson Recorder: Rieva Lester Steve Mansfield discussed the geographic challenges Lewis County faces for radio service. Steve outlined the project goals: • Improve countywide portable / radio coverage • Explore funding, cost-sharing and ownership options • Ensure radio system reliability is set to public-safety-grade benchmark • Provide a dedicated fire station alert / paging system in two phases: first on the west side and then on the east side Steve outlined the tasks involved: • First task involved a needs analysis. He said the group held a stakeholders meeting to identify the system’s needs. • The second task included the system alternatives report, which identified alternative tower locations and included a review of frequency plans, the development of coverage prediction maps and the identification of communications deficiencies. • The third step included a cost estimate for developing improvements over four phases. • The fourth task involved a subscriber equipment requirement report to ensure all radios are non-digital P25-compliant units. • The fifth task identified ownership and cost-sharing options. • The sixth task identified funding options, including bonds, a public-private partnership, a special tax, grants and leases for equipment. • The seventh step will include a final report meeting scheduled for March 9, the development of a general strategy, decisions about how to move forward and the creation of various committees. Erik Martin left at 9:47 a.m. Steve stressed the need to be proactive about addressing the infrastructure needs. He discussed the creation of a committee, that could include: • A project coordinator • A financial / budget representative • A technical representative • Three political (elected) representatives • The Combined User Committee chair and vice chair to represent fire and law • Two citizen representatives • Other (?) Erik returned at 10:04 a.m. The group discussed inviting Rep. Herrera Beutler’s office to attend the March meeting. Meeting ended at 10:09 a.m.